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11 Campus Cuties Who Love to Dance

Name: Andy Gilliam
Age: 19
Hometown: Howell, Michigan
Major: Business
Single or Taken? Taken
Favorite Place on Campus: The pool because he loves “to bronze.”
Best Place to Eat: The Rusty Pelican 
Any special talents? Dancing
Favorite Holiday: Halloween
Favorite Place in Miami: The Venetian pool because he loves “to bronze.”
Ambitions: To start a bronzing club at UMiami
Name: Rollins Stallworth
Hometown: Reno, Nevada
Major: Psychology
Activities/Interests: Beach Volleyball, Watching Movies, Dancing
Sport(s): Football and Track
Relationship Status: Single

How do you feel about being nominated for Campus Cutie?
It is exciting and it feels good. It is a great website and award!

If you could have lunch with anyone, who would it be?
I would have lunch with Jesus.  I am a man of strong faith and that has been one of the areas of my most personal growth. I have now a strong sense of my own faith and spirit, and it would be amazing if I could sit down and have lunch with Christ himself.

If you could trade places with anyone in the world for a day, who would it be?
I would trade places with Chris Brown to see what one day in his life would be like.

Celebrity crush?
Eva Mendes.

What is something that people are surprised to know about you?
I have never drank or smoked before.

Fun fact?
I do not have a middle name, and I am half Basque and half Black.

Favorite TV Show?

Best Stanford moment?
When we beat USC in triple Overtime!

Ike’s decides to name a sandwich after you.  What’s it called?  What’s in it?
The Rstally, It would have fried chicken, lettuce, cheese, mozzarella sticks, BBQ sauce and bacon.

Pet peeve?
When females roll their eyes.

Favorite off-campus location?
Lake Tahoe and the movie theater.

Tried and true pickup line?
Hey, excuse me, Why haven’t we met before? [pagebreak] 
Rob Zaleski
Age: 21
Hometown: Wheeling, WV
Major: Psychology
AKA: Bobby Joe, DJ Robzilla, Wobwob, Onipono: level 80 Tauren Shaman, Floppywalrus (on words with friends)
Something you learned from your parents: “You don’t have to be sexy. You just have to think you are.” –my dad
Life Goal: Feel everything people feel.
Best feeling in the world: Making someone I look up to laugh.
Idols: Penn Jillette, Donald Glover, Louis CK, Kanye West, Barack Obama, and Will Smith
Social Mission: Get people to be less ashamed of all their little weird things that they keep secret.
What’s your dream girl like: Funny, independent, honest before kind, passionate, good-hearted, doesn’t get embarrassed easily or overuse the word “awkward,” and likes to analyze things at length.
I feel most engaged when: freestyling, running, or dancing
Nicest complement I’ve received: That I’ll be a good dad.
Friends are for: recommending good music/shows/people, talking about personal stuff, and making me feel comfortable enough to act all childlike!

Name: Jack Hoile
Age: 23
Hometown: Cambridge
Relationship Status: In a Relationship
Degree: Civil Engineering
You can usually find me… practicing my ball room dancing.


Name: Michael K. Hoblin Jr.

Single or Taken: Taken

Major: Undeclared/ Intended Computer Science

What he’s looking for in a significant other: Cute, Caring, Happy girl that likes snuggling….and is ok with some of my geekier interests

Why he picked Fordham: I’ve wanted to go to Fordham since Kindergarten because my parents met here. I love the campus, the people, and Sodexo.

Campus Involvement: ROTC Cadet, Pershing Rifles, and Ranger Challenge Team.

Hobbies: Running, drawing, singing, dancing, pretending I’m too masculine to sing and dance, and is Reddit a hobby?

Favorite Pick-Up Line: I think pick up lines are disgusting and that they objectify women. What truly matters is getting to know what’s on the inside of a person. A pickup line simply circumvents this process by attempting to get physical affection before truly getting to know someone. (Works every time.)

What is your guilty pleasure? Taking naps in a hot bath tub….texting in the shower.

What is one thing that you do not understand about the opposite sex? Why girls get away with everything that they don’t let you get away with.

What is your hidden talent? Untangling Slinkies.

If you were forced to sing karaoke, what song would you sing? “I Want It That Way”, Backstreet Boys…. And there’s no need to force.

Do you prefer to make the first move or have her come to you? I prefer to make the first move, the chase is always half the fun. People always place dates on when they first officially started dating, they don’t seem to realize that you’re relationship with that person (on an individual level more so than as a couple) truly begins and starts growing when you realize that this is the person you want to be with.

What’s on your Fordham bucket list? I want to rappel off of Keating, but let’s keep that between us.

What is the best way a girl can get your attention? By just being herself and not trying to impress anyone. I prefer a girl who’s dressed cutely and comfortably as opposed to one who’s frozen ass is about to fall out of the 2 inches of skirt that she thought was a good idea to wear out….in January.

What is your flirting technique? I’m a quirky guy. I talk about the things that interest and inspire me, not the ones that I think are impressive. I’d like to hope that women find it endearingly different from the guys that they’re used to getting hit on by, and even go so far as trust me a bit more because of my genuine honesty and confidence in who I am as a person

What is your life motto? That every guy who writes “YOLO” here should be immediately disregarded and subject to a public humiliation on campus.

[pagebreak] Name: Michael “Mikey” Cherry
Year Graduated: May 2011
Hometown: Winston-Salem, North Carolina

What is More Than Dance (MTD)?
More Than Dance is an organization that operates as a nonprofit. We use our talents and passions to serve other people, whether that is by raising money to give to a charity, or inspiring someone to go out and find their own passion.
When did MTD start?
MTD was conceptualized in March 2009, but our first official workshop wasn’t until November 2010.
How many people are involved?
MTD has five people on staff, including myself. We also have 12 volunteers that make up our More Than Dance Street Team.
What inspired you to start MTD?
There were many factors that contributed to the start of MTD. But three of the main contributing factors: 1. My heart to see every kid be presented with the same opportunities to have a bright future. 2. My trip to the Dominican Republic where I had the opportunity to work with a boy’s orphanage and teach English to the local elementary school. 3. Wanting to do my best at giving back to those in need.
What are some of MTD’s biggest accomplishments since being established?
I see everyday that I have a chance to work through MTD as an accomplishment and blessing in its self. Within the first year, we were able to give away over $1700 towards charitable causes. One of our t-shirts from our cherryDOTdork clothing line was featured on BBCs “World‘s Strictest Parents.” And we have been able to reach so many people throughout the nation with our message of serving people through our passion.  
Are there any upcoming events our readers can look forward to?
More Than Dance is hosting a dance competition called Prelude Carolinas on March 31, 2012 starting at 6pm at Knightdale High School. This is a nationally recognized dance competition, and MTD is proud to be hosting the very first one in the Carolinas. We have teams from all over the East Coast competing, notable judges from the North Carolina and Virginia area that have credits such as Americas Best Dance Crew, Kodachrome, and BFAB studios.
On April 1, we will be having a dance workshop along with our friends at Fresh From Birth, featuring Alan Truong from the ArchiTEKS, Chris Munar from Tito Boyscouts and Kodachrome, and Kentrell Newton from ABDCs Swagger Crew.
And on April 28, we will be having a workshop in Wilmington, NC along with our good friends from the dance crew Physical Graffiti.
What is something you’ve learned or gained from starting MTD?
I’ve learned so much from starting MTD. But I think the main thing that I’ve learned is that it’s possible to turn something that you love to do into a way to serve people. It’s such a rewarding feeling knowing that you were able to make somebodies life better by doing what you would do for free.
What is your favorite thing about MTD?
It’s really hard to pin point one specific aspect of MTD that is my favorite thing. I would have to say, dancing. Every part of what we do has some type of dance attached to it. And through dance, I’m able to connect with so many people and experience so many different things. Eventually we plan to expand outside of dance, but since dance is my love, I have to say dancing.
What would be your advice for someone looking to follow your footsteps?
My advice to anyone that is looking to follow my footsteps of starting something like MTD would be to be patient. Starting something like this isn’t easy, and it’s not always going to be fun. But if your able to see past what’s in front of you, then your going to be able to push through and see how beautiful things turned out. Basically, go into it 100%. You might not know how to get there, but you have to believe that you will get there.
How can people get involved with MTD?
We are always looking for volunteers to help out with MTD. You can email us at morethandance1@gmail.com.
Where can our readers learn more about MTD?
We are constantly updating our social media, so make sure to follow us!
Website: morethandancemtd.com
Twitter: More_Than_Dance
Facebook: More Than Dance (MTD)
Youtube: /MoreThanDanceMTD
Merchandise: cherrydotdork.bigcartel.com
Okay, last question, what was your favorite thing about NC State when you were a student here?
I have so many great memories at NC State; from the people I’ve met, the all nighters in the library, dancing everywhere we could around the campus. But I guess my favorite thing about being a student at NC State was realizing all the opportunities the world had to offer me. I really enjoyed my time there, and all though I’m really glad I’m not a student anymore, I cherish everything that I experienced at NC State.
Any last remarks or comments?
Dancers and non dancers alike, come check us out at Prelude Carolinas or one of our workshops. Matthew 14:16, you have to come to one of our events to find out the story behind that verse.
Thank you Misha Tobar and Her Campus for this opportunity!

Full Name: Alec Lawless

Academic Year: Senior

Hometown: Avon, CT

Relationship Status: Taken


Favorite movie and why? The Breakfast Club. It is just a really cool and interesting look at what its like to be in high school and it’s pretty funny.

Best date you’ve ever been on? Went out to a pretty fancy restaurant in Florence, Italy and then headed out for a night on the town with gelato, dancing, and lots of wine.

Biggest turn on with a girl? A girl who will just be herself right off the bat and not put up any fake fronts.

Biggest turn off? Girls who enjoy watching the Kardashians.

Celebrity Crush and why: Evangeline Lily (from LOST) because she looks incredible even when she’s sweaty and covered in dirt.

Future Career Goals/Ambitions?: Actor. If that doesn’t work, college professor.

Hobbies/Interests: Improv, Acting, Writing, and running…sort of.

Most embarrassing moment: I got a bloody nose while wearing a white shirt right before getting on Space Mountain in Disney World and had to walk back past everyone else in the line, the majority of which were cheerleaders at a convention. One even took a picture.

3 things you would bring with you to a deserted island: A 24 pack of vanilla coke, one of those marble maze games things, a shake weight.

 Best part about your Suffolk experience so far? Being a part of the Improv Troupe, Seriously Bent. It has broadened my horizons, and helped me experience things I never thought I ever would by this point in my life. You can interpret anyway you’d like.

What’s an interesting fact about you most people don’t know? I’ve been a vegetarian since I was five, by choice.

Most romantic thing you’ve done for a girl/women? Surprising my girlfriend with a trip to Martha’s Vineyard and spending the first night watching the sunset on the beach.


[pagebreak] Meet Juan Mundo-Sifuentes, a senior geography major who can really wow the ladies with his salsa dancing, Spanish skills and genuine kindness. Muy caliente, no? You might recognize this cutie from the recent Mr. Mizzou contest, in which the Student Unions Programming Board named him “Mr. Mizzou!” Keep reading to find out more about this week’s cutie.

Caguas, Puerto Rico

Relationship status: Single

Favorite movie: “Rush Hour 2. Chris Tucker is hilarious.”

Hidden talent: “I can touch my nose with my tongue.”

Favorite quote: “One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.” – Bob Marley

Involvement on campus: Alpha Kappa Lambda fraternity, Hispanic American Leadership Organization

Ideal first date: “I’m old-fashioned, so a typical dinner and a movie to see if we click.”

Dream job: “To be an editor for a major movie studio in Hollywood.”

Favorite Mizzou memory: “Being inside the madness of downtown Columbia after Mizzou beat Oklahoma in football.”

Favorite musical artist: “Deadmau5 because his music always makes me want to dance and feel happy.”

Favorite thing to do on a Friday night: “Go salsa dancing at the Blue Fugue.”

What I look for in a girl: “To be caring and honest.”

Favorite spot to study: “My bean bag, although I usually fall asleep 30 minutes in.”

Best midnight snack: Wasabi-flavored almonds

Best childhood memory: “Surfing on the beach back home with my dad.”

What I have on my bucket list: “To visit every continent in the world.” [pagebreak]

Name: Evan Chandonnet
Graduation Year: 2013
Major/Minor:International Business/ Accounting minor in Spanish
Hometown:  Ludlow, MA
On-Campus Activities: Multicultural Student Union
Interests: Traveling

The Details
Describe Yourself in 3 Words:  Determined, Outgoing and Personable
Any Secret Talents? Piano
Dream Job: Own my own international real estate business
Pet Peeves: Ignorant People
Bucket List: Learn how to play the guitar, learn Arabic and Italian, and live in another country

Favorite Thing about Bryant: The diversity
Favorite Place in the World: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Favorite Food: General Tso’s Chicken
#1 Most Played Song on Your iPod: Right now – Balada Boa by Gustavo Lima


Dream Girlfriend/Boyfriend: Girlfriend-Beyoncé, Boyfriend- Cristiano Ronaldo
Best Pickup Line: “I have a boyfriend.” “Well I have a gold fish.” “ What?” “Oh I thought we were talking about things that don’t matter.”
Perfect Date in 7 Words: Wine and dine, then go out dancing 
[pagebreak] Name: Jake           

Year: Sophomore           
Hometown: Brooklyn           
Major: Business
Fraternity: Beta Theta Pi
Extra curriculars: Piano, Music, Tennis, Basketball, Dodgeball
Relationship status: SINGLE
Her Campus Emory (HCE): How does it feel to be campus cutie?
J: It feels great, almost as great as it felt when the girl I liked in fourth grade told me I had soft hands
HCE: What is your best physical trait?
J: My soft hands
HCE: If you were forced to perform in a talent s
how, what would you do?
J: Sing and dance to Friday by Rebecca Black
HCE: What is your go-to pick up line?
J: Hey girl, how bout you be the chicken and I’ll be the egg and we’ll see which one comes first (I made it up a couple years ago)
HCE: What separates you from the other guys at Emory?
J: I have a slushie maker and I know a hundred digits of pi
HCE: Best memory at Emory so far:
J: Initiating into Beta, although dancing around on stage for Greek Physique was very memorable too
HCE: Fun fact about yourself:
J: My birthday is January 15
HCE: What is your guilty pleasure?
J: Madonna, the Tyra Show, and the movie Crazy Stupid Love
[pagebreak] Name: William “Willie” Xiang                                                          

Year: 2012
Major: Neural & Behavioral Psychology
Hometown: Palo Alto, CA
Relationship Status: In a relationship
How are you involved at Haverford?
Track team and hip-hop dance group.
Do you have a “type” of girl you usually go for?
I usually go for the outgoing, quirky girls who share the same lame sense of humor as I do.
What is your ideal date-night?
Anywhere by the beach in California.
Who is your celebrity crush?
Ryan Reynolds. Can I be him?
You are most likely to be spotted on campus at…
The dining center. I have an insatiable stomach. 
What is the most romantic thing you have ever done for a girl?
My girlfriend and I spent the night out together in Hong Kong and watched the sun rise afterwards.
If you could go to any concert (in the past or future), who would you see and why?
Backstreet Boys, who wouldn’t want it that way?

Kema Christian-Taylor is a senior at Harvard University concentrating in English with a citation in Spanish.  As an aspiring novelist, she constantly jots down ideas on anything she can get her hands on—including paper napkins.  She has been dancing since age 3 and has choreographed for two shows her freshman and junior years in college.  Even though it means leaving behind her sunny home in Houston, Texas, Kema loves to travel and has been to every continent except Antarctica. Things she cannot live without include the Harry Potter series, Berryline, Pretty Little Liars, the Hunger Games, 90s music, and soy chai lattes.