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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Duke chapter.

Name: Rob Zaleski
Age: 21
Hometown: Wheeling, WV
Major: Psychology
AKA: Bobby Joe, DJ Robzilla, Wobwob, Onipono: level 80 Tauren Shaman, Floppywalrus (on words with friends)
Something you learned from your parents: “You don’t have to be sexy. You just have to think you are.” –my dad
Life Goal: Feel everything people feel.
Best feeling in the world: Making someone I look up to laugh.
Idols: Penn Jillette, Donald Glover, Louis CK, Kanye West, Barack Obama, and Will Smith
Social Mission: Get people to be less ashamed of all their little weird things that they keep secret.
What’s your dream girl like: Funny, independent, honest before kind, passionate, good-hearted, doesn’t get embarrassed easily or overuse the word “awkward,” and likes to analyze things at length.
I feel most engaged when: freestyling, running, or dancing
Nicest complement I’ve received: That I’ll be a good dad.
Friends are for: recommending good music/shows/people, talking about personal stuff, and making me feel comfortable enough to act all childlike!

Betty Liu is a senior at Duke University where she is majoring in Biomedical Engineering.  Although her main interests lie in bioengineering, she loves keeping up with the latest trends on Duke's campus. Also, she enjoys learning about new music, reading and travelling around the world. One of her life dreams is to go to all seven continents! So far, she has been to four.