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Articles Tagged With: Yelp
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Her Campus at HPU Midterm Yelp Review

My first college midterm is coming up, and like many of you, I do not have a set study routine that I use for exams. I’m still working out...

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Yelp: Not Just for Restaurants

In a new place and looking for somewhere to eat? What about somewhere to get your nails done? Need to know where the closest hardware store...

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5 Boston Yelp Myths Solved

Sometimes “Yelp” gets it right with its helpful descriptions and comments. Other times… not so much. I separate fact from fiction when it comes to five of the most...

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Best Yelp Reviews of All Time

So I recently watched a video where real, professional actors had to read outrageous yelp reviews and I must say it was the best 20 minutes...