Taking an extra year to finish your degree might not have been a part of your original plan, but now it gives you a chance to slow down, enjoy...
Commencement ceremony is a month away, seniors! The days of finding gray hairs in our combs and piles of loose hair in the bathroom wall and bedroom floor are...
How do I make friends in college? Here are some ways you can try and hopefully come out the other end with a study buddy or a drinking buddy...
It’s college decision season for high school seniors! As a fourth-year undergrad student in my last quarter, I have had some time to reflect on my own college decision...
I love this program (most of the time), but not everyone does! Let me tell you about it...
Here’s how to start a successful club on campus
Giving yourself the opportunity is better than never taking a chance at all.
Ever wonder how you should get involved on Campus? Perhaps Her Campus is the place for you! Here is my testimonial as Director of Marketing