This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at McMaster chapter.There comes a time of year when I contract a bad case of travel bug—...
“MOOOMMM! I don’t feel very good!” “What’s wrong, hunny?” “My minds wandering, I can’t stop scrolling through travel blogs, and staring at...
“I NEED to travel!” Do you find yourself saying this after going somewhere new? I went overseas this past summer and ever since I arrived...
Name: Danielle Cardas Program: French Year: 4th Place of Study: Science Po Lille - Lille, France Why did you choose this place? As a French...
Reading week is right around the corner, and midterms are following right behind. What better way to use that as an excuse to take the time...
I close my eyes. I can feel the sun beaming on my skin. I take notice of the warmth on my fingertips, my shoulders, my face. The ocean...