In the age of information overload, constant inspiration can ironically hinder creativity. When we step away from external noise and embrace boredom, we activate our brain’s default mode network—leading...
Does your mood need a boost? Maybe consider what you're wearing because fashion can affect our mental health.
Stylish young women surrounded me at my first Her Campus at OSU meeting, but everyone looked unique! It got me wondering if OSU had a general style and what...
With the undoubtedly far reach that the media has, it can be super hard to discern what’s trendy and what’s here to stay. With the constant influx of trends...
Respectfully, some of you never learned how to take inspiration from something
I found if I can take time out of my day for myself for music, I do better with my mental health and that I don’t have as many...
Discovering Your Unique Personal Style in Your 20s
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TX State chapter.Spring is finally here, and that means finding clothing that fits the weather and...
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSB chapter.Ever since middle school, I have found myself quite interested in clothes. From figuring out...
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Denison chapter.I think that high school me would be horrified by many of my current outfit...