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Articles Tagged With: lewis hall
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A Week of “Last-Firsts”

If you are a senior or know seniors at ND, you’ve probably seen a lot of “last” or “last-first” posts this week. I’m just as guilty because...

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Why You Should Go to LHOP

Do you need plans for Friday night this week ? Look no further, because from 9:30 PM-1:00AM, you can revel in the delici ous occas ion...

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Terri Harvey

Sometimes in life, we let our hardships take us down to a dark place, and it seems as if we’ll never climb back into the light. Terri...

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Katrina Linden ’16

Name : Katrina Linden Hometown : Santa Ana, California, the real OC Dorm : Lewis Major : American Studies, Journalism, Ethics, and...

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Campus Celebrity: Meghan Till ’17

When I frantically texted Meghan Till asking her to be a Campus Celebrity, she quickly responded with a simple "yes." You see, Meghan has...

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Oktoberfest Comes to Notre Dame

Do you find yourself stalking friends’ study abroad albums instead of studying for exams or writing your papers? If so, I have no doubt you...