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Articles Tagged With: Frye
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We’ve Found the Perfect Winter Boots

With temperatures dangerously dipping toward freezing these past few days and flurries on the horizon, it can be harder and harder to find...

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Whats On Our Holiday Wish List: Frye

Looking for classic leather goods that will last you a lifetime? Look no further than Frye! From super-comfortable boots to supple leather...

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Emma Giles ’16

Fashionista Emma Giles '17 rocks Frye Boots, a Nordstrom’s Dress, a thrifted Tobi cardi and Urban Outfitter socks perfecting the perfect...

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Beth’s Style

Beth Staub, Freshman, Spedical Education Major. Wearing: Fur Vest (Target), Dress (Fioré), Boots (Frye), Necklace (mom's closet)...

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Allie Raich

Her Campus BU Writer, Allie Raich (CAS '16) looks put together for class in a black tunic and Frye riding boots. A blue undershirt adds...