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Articles Tagged With: #FOMO
Academics 6 2020 pexels tired female student lying on book in library 3808080?width=698&height=466&fit=crop&auto=webp&dpr=4
Her Campus at MUJ Sleep? In This Economy?

College students are in the middle of a sleep crisis, battling academic pressures, social life, and digital distractions. From pulling all-nighters to scrolling Instagram until 4 a.m., sleep has...

sad woman inside by Joshua Rawson Harris?width=698&height=466&fit=crop&auto=webp&dpr=4
Her Campus at Kenyon The Fight against FOMO

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kenyon chapter.I was recently bedridden from a bout of food poisoning from some questionable Peirce lettuce....

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Can We Slow Down?

As a 14 year old, my mind was full of amazing ideas and it knew how to articulate them. As I grew up, the noise surrounding me grew louder...

Tea cup and candle by bathtub by Maddi Bazzocco on Unsplash?width=698&height=466&fit=crop&auto=webp&dpr=4
Her Campus at PSU Take the Weekend Off

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.We’re young and college is supposed to be the time of our lives. Socializing, joining...