With so many new films premiering in 2025, it can be hard to decide which ones are worth seeing in theatres. Read this article to see the ones I’ll...
Her Campus at U Vic
My 10 Most Anticipated Films Coming Out in 2025
Her Campus at BU
A Beginner’s Guide To Formula One
With the 2024 season of Formula One ending and a new one on the way, now's a good time to learn about the sport.
Her Campus at Casper Libero
Senna: a série conseguiu retratar bem o ícone brasileiro da F1?
Lançada na última sexta-feira, Senna, da Netflix, busca retratar a vida do piloto, mas conta com altos e baixos
Her Campus at FSU
F1’s WAG of the Year: Alexandra Saint Mleux
A love letter to every sport girly’s muse.
Her Campus at Mizzou
Introducing you to Formula 1: A guide for beginners
The average speed of a normal car on the road is 50 km/h, or around 120 km/h on highways. A Formula 1 car can take only three seconds to...
Her Campus at FSU
A Girl’s Style Guide to the F1 Las Vegas Grand Prix
Rev up your style before the grand prix.
Her Campus at UPR
Why Is the Current F1 Drivers Championship Battle Surprising Everyone?
The 2024 Formula One season has been full of twists and turns since its third race as we are witnessing a three-way championship battle. To fully understand why this...
Her Campus at BU
Formula 1 Drivers Are Turning The Grid Into A Runway
These drivers are taking a spin into the fashion world.