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Solar Eclipse Glasses 2024?width=719&height=464&fit=crop&auto=webp&dpr=4
Solar Eclipse Glasses 2024?width=398&height=256&fit=crop&auto=webp&dpr=4
Style > Fashion

Solar Eclipse Glasses From Amazon That Are Actually Kinda Cute

The Her Campus National Editors write about products we love and think you’ll love too. Her Campus has affiliate partnerships, so we get a share of the revenue from your purchase. All products are in stock and all prices are accurate as of publication.

On Monday, April 8, a total solar eclipse will pass over North America — a very exciting opportunity to be a scientific girlie and see (with the right solar eclipse glasses, of course) the moon pass between the sun and earth and darken the sky for a few moments. According to Space.com, total solar eclipses are visible from certain places on Earth once every 18-ish months, and fortunately the early April one will be visible from the U.S., Mexico, and Canada. However, there are certain safety precautions one should take before peering up into the sky, including making sure you have the right solar eclipse glasses that will protect your peepers.

While some have infamously decided to forgo the highly recommended safety precautions to take when observing a solar eclipse, we at Her Campus recommend everyone follows precautions closely. According to NASA, “viewing any part of the bright Sun through a camera lens, binoculars, or a telescope without a special-purpose solar filter secured over the front of the optics will instantly cause severe eye injury.” (So this means even if your’e taking a photo for IG, make sure you have the proper eye protection.)

So planning on watching the 2024 solar eclipse? We’ve pulled together a series of quick-delivery options from Amazon for you to order ahead of Monday’s solar event. The plus side? They’re actually kind of cute! Order some for you and your roommate, or the girls in your sorority, and get ready to capture some eclipse-mode content. (Don’t forget to educate yourself with more safety precautions according to NASA, and make sure to carefully inspect and review any products you plan on using ahead of the eclipse, too.)

Neon Solar Eclipse Glasses

These glasses by MedOptics are neon-inspired solar eclipse glasses available on Amazon Prime.

81tquJwL6iL AC SL1500?width=1024&height=1024&fit=cover&auto=webp&dpr=4

Solar Eclipse 2024-Themed Glasses

These glasses are more commemorative than other options, with the date featured boldly on the front of the glasses.

81O48RSgoSL AC SL1500?width=1024&height=1024&fit=cover&auto=webp&dpr=4

Color Block Eclipse Glasses

Less space-themed than other options, this pack also comes with a smartphone lens.

71OaY5JJsqL AC SL1500?width=1024&height=1024&fit=cover&auto=webp&dpr=4

Planet Solar Eclipse Glasses

Feel one with the solar system in these planet-themed glasses.

Best-Selling Solar Eclipse Glasses

These glasses are highly reviewed and rated on Amazon.

616QMjkyGdL AC SX679?width=1024&height=1024&fit=cover&auto=webp&dpr=4

Stars & Stripes Solar Eclipse Glasses

Plus, you get a smartphone photo filter with this American-themed pack.

71sBsertVBL AC SL1500?width=1024&height=1024&fit=cover&auto=webp&dpr=4

Blue Star Solar Eclipse Glasses

A simpler option for those who want to protect their eyes.

71GjoGCG1JL AC SL1500?width=1024&height=1024&fit=cover&auto=webp&dpr=4