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12 Housewarming Gifts For College Grads You’ll Also Want To Buy

The Her Campus National Editors write about products we love and think you’ll love too. Her Campus has affiliate partnerships, so we get a share of the revenue from your purchase. All products are in stock and all prices are accurate as of publication.

Graduating from college is an enormous accomplishment that kicks off a new phase of life. And while four years away at school can give students a sense of independence from home, moving into a first apartment post-grad is definitely a defining factor of adulthood. Having your own place (that isn’t considered campus housing) welcomes feelings of unlimited possibilities — until the grad has to, you know, spend a lot of money to furnish it and make it nice. Fortunately, housewarming gifts from family and friends provide the perfect opportunity to not only build out a recent grad’s new space, but give them items that they probably don’t realize they actually really need.

We appreciate the art of gift giving at Her Campus, and want our recent grads to feel like their space is setting them up for success. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of products that college graduates would love to be gifted after settling into their new home. (Take the hint!)


After moving into their new digs, young 20-somethings are probably going to want to invite every single person they know over to see their place. If those visitors bring them flowers, they’ll need somewhere to put them, so why not gift your grad a beautiful vase. This one from Anthropologie makes a statement even without flowers, but would be the perfect addition to a new home that needs a little brightening up.

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Robe & Towels

Please, grads, throw away the old college towels you’ve been using for four years. A new — quality — towel set will usher anyone into adulthood (plus, they’ll look nice while hanging up in their bathroom). Even better, this set from Brooklinen is bundled with a plush robe, too, which is a quintessential item for any new grad.

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Knife Set

Whether they had a thrown-together utensil set in their on-campus apartment, or chose to buy products that were cheap, but “OK enough” to last them the four years away, it’s probably time for your loved one to have a set of knives they can count on. This set from Quince will introduce recent grads to three essential knives they should always have in their kitchen arsenal, and will impress all of their friends when they invite them over for a dinner party.

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Cutting Boards

Speaking of kitchen essentials, now that your grad is responsible for their own space — security deposit included — it’s time to protect those countertops. This set of cutting boards is perfect for new chefs who want to test out their skills in the kitchen while learning along the way, thanks to the recessed indents that help you stay tidy while prepping. Plus, the three-board set includes a stand which will help any frazzled 20-something look organized.

Caraway Cutting Boards?width=1024&height=1024&fit=cover&auto=webp

Jolie Showerhead

Depending on where the grad is living, water quality and water pressure can be hit or miss. This showerhead from Jolie claims to remove chlorine, heavy metals & other contaminants from water, while improving users skin, hair. (And the thousands of five-star reviews seem to confirm that.) Plus, there’s a very high chance your TikTok-loving grad has seen this on their for you page and would love to own the viral product.

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Picture Frames

After graduating from college, where taping a poster to a dorm wall is a rite of passage, it is time to start using picture frames. We love these gold frames from Wayfair almost as much as we love the idea of finding an art piece that feels personal to the recent grad and framing it for their new home.

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A poof has a lot of purposes in a small, starter-apartment kind of space. Not only will it allow your recent grad to kick up their feet and relax on the couch, it can also double as extra seating should they invite a bunch of friends over!

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Amazon Echo Pop

Give the recent grad in your life the gift of endless music and the convenience of AI with an Amazon Echo device. This small, but mighty, Echo Pop allows users to connect via Bluetooth and stream audio and use smart home features (like turning the lights on and off, or adjusting the A/C) through Alexa.

Lacquer Tray

Having a tray for an apartment, when space is already at a premium, is a must. While some may choose to only pull it out when guests are over to offer up snacks, it can also provide an easy place to put coffee for the work-from-home grad whose office is their bed or couch.

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Full-Length Mirror

It’s very likely that a new grad will be running off to job interviews in the first few months of post-college life. Unfortunately, most apartments aren’t equipped for a full OOTD check in — unless they’re able to jump very high to see the full fit in the bathroom mirror. A full-length mirror not only helps your recent grad feel good about themselves before leaving their home, but it also provides a statement piece for their space.

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Apple TV

Do your college grad a favor and just let them stream their shows, OK? Bonus points if you provide the passwords to the accounts! (No cable subscription required.)

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Coffee is a necessity for recent grads who will be starting their post-college jobs bright and early. A set of mugs is an easy and useful gift that won’t go to waste.

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