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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at York U chapter.

Remember when your parents told you not to talk to strangers? Or how about all the people who say the internet has negatively affected socialization?

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I present to you the antithesis to both of the above; internet friends.

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Not a lot of people to this day are aware of what internet friends are. Internet friendships are those between people who have only met online.

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If you tell your eighty-seven year old grandmother that you shared ultimately everything with a complete stranger, including your deepest secret of how you don’t like your grandma’s apple pie that much, chances are your grandmother will be a little confused.

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Mostly because she doesn’t understand why you don’t like her apple pie, but also because she doesn’t understand how you managed to befriend someone you’ve never met.

Here’s the thing — you don’t go looking for internet friends. They just happen to be there, somehow.

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There are many platforms to meet people online, and no I’m not talking about dating websites, but friendships could come out of those as well. Many of the platforms could include Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

Speaking from experience, I know I have made internet friends whom I trust, whom I consult with about my decisions, whom I go to for advice, etc.. but also whom I’ve never met to this day, even years later!

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Internet friends don’t necessarily live in different parts of the world. You’d be surprised how many people live nearby that you’ve never come across. In my opinion, the internet expanded socialization. Now it’s like you never run out of options.

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Don’t quite like or vibe with the people around you in your community? Well, you can always try another community. Can’t physically go to another community? No problem, the internet is always there for you.

Internet friends may become more than that if everything falls in place. For example, my friend from school made an internet friend through me. They began following each other on social media, eventually met up and are now best friends.

Of course, it is very important to be extra careful when you’re on the internet and with the information you share with others.

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Don’t trust people too easily, but I also feel like this should apply with people you interact with in “real life.”

I have made so many special connections with people whom I wouldn’t have met if it wasn’t for the internet. I would love to meet my friend on the other side of the world in Jordan and so many other people someday. The internet isn’t such a bad place if you give it a chance. Be yourself, have pure intentions and maybe you’ll be the internet friend that someone on the other side of the world needs. Your internet friend could live next door and help you in ways you never would have explored on your own.

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Full-time psychology student, part- time poet. In love with words since the age of 11. Enjoys expressing myself and talking about things that matter.