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How To Stay Committed To Your Goals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at York U chapter.

A few weeks ago, we rang in the new decade as well as the new year and with that comes the endless lists of goals and resolutions that we set for ourselves. As the weeks go by, many of us find ourselves straying away from what we said we were going to commit to, or giving up on our goals altogether. As someone who is guilty of this as well, I’ve decided to create a list of ideas that I think will help us all stay committed to our goals.

Set Mini-Goals

Most of the time, the goals we set for ourselves become very overwhelming, very fast. In anticipation of the new year, we are so focused on the phrase “new year, new me,” that we spread ourselves way too thin, trying to truly encapsulate the “new me” part of the saying. As such, we set long term goals without clarifying what to do in the short term.

As I said before, the goals that we set for ourselves at the beginning of each year tend to focus on the grander schemes of life (for example: weight loss, getting rid of bad habits, starting new habits and more). Rather than focusing on the broad goal itself, divide each of these into smaller, more realistic goals. For example, if you are thinking of getting rid of a bad habit, like watching too much Netflix, don’t cut it off all at once because the chances of you going back to your old ways are extremely high. Instead, limit yourself to less viewing time each week. That way, you’ll be able to reduce the amount of content you watch until you reach your broader goal. Everything happens in moderation and adding mini goals to your aspirations is just another way of moderating your broader goals.

Keep Track of Your Achievements

Creativity can often be a source of inspiration or motivation for people. As we engage in the creative process, we tend to become more dedicated and passionate about what we are working towards, because we are putting our heart and soul into it. I recommend incorporating a creative project, which can be as simple or complex as you’d like it to be – to go along with your pursuit of goals.

For me, it can be really hard to keep up with going after goals without something concrete to show me that I’m actually getting somewhere. I suggest creating a vision board or a bullet journal to stay updated on each of the goals you’ve set for yourself. Doing something creative alongside trying to alter your habits can help keep you motivated, and also gives you something creative to do in your free time. With these, you have a physical copy of what you plan to do and what you’ve done so far.

Don’t Be So Hard on Yourself

As I’ve stated previously, we have a tendency to overwhelm ourselves without meaning to. This is, in fact, inevitable. There will always come a time that we expect too much from ourselves, way too fast. Not being able to keep up with a tight deadline is only human, after all. 
Another factor that plays into our abandonment of goals is that we are way too hard on ourselves. We often forget that we, as human beings, are not perfect in the slightest. In fact, the reason we set these goals each year is so we can better improve ourselves. If you realize that you haven’t started working on a goal that you’ve set for yourself, start it then. If you find yourself straying from your new habits, redirect yourself in a manner that you can handle. Be patient. We aren’t robots which means we can’t adjust to changes immediately. Things take time to happen, so give your goals some time as well.

Stay Inspired

The new year often comes with new sources of inspiration, which drive the creation of new goals. We’re inspired to shed what used to be, and embrace what is, which is why we create our goals. This inspiration drives them. We’re inspired to be successful professionals, to create content that will make others smile, to produce things that will make us feel accomplished. 

A lot of the time, we give up on goals because we think, “Seriously, what’s the point?” We tend to forget what drove us to set these goals for ourselves in the first place. I think that it would be incredibly helpful if we made a reminder of some sort that makes us remember what motivated us in the first place. A vision board or a bullet journal like I mentioned earlier would be an incredible place to keep these reminders safe. Whenever a lack of inspiration overcomes you, just take a peek at your inspirations to get you going again!

Talk to Someone You Trust About Your Goals

Even after trying the suggestions I made above, staying committed to your goals will still be a difficult task. For all the inspiration you could possibly find, at one point, it may fizzle out like a candle in the wind. Frustration can mount because we are human after all. I believe that such incidents occur because the only person there to hold you accountable is yourself and like it or not, we all tend to give into our desires. 

While you may want to keep your goals to yourself, another way to keep yourself motivated is to tell someone you trust about what you hope to achieve. By telling a loved one, you are guaranteed to have someone to set you back in motion and hold you accountable when it comes to going after your goals. I know the phrase “hold you accountable” can sound very daunting, but it may all be worth it in the long run!

If there comes a time during the year where you feel like you’ve failed yourself, remember that you are human and that nothing is impossible if you work for it. With that being said, I wish you all the best in pursuing and achieving your goals.

Freelance Photographer, Blogger, Digital Artist.
Kaitlin is a bilingual (French and English) writer originating from friendly Thunder Bay. They are in their seventh year at York University, where they study professional writing with an emphasis on journalism. They live with their partner of nine years and their cat, Tessa. They started writing with a passion and a poem that eventually won third in a contest 12 years ago, and started editing not too long after. When not at the keyboard, Kaitlin can be found reading, cooking, playing video games, or holding Tessa. Their favorite movies are scary and their favorite television genre is reality. Kaitlin's passions include copyediting, anything scary or spooky and adding to her collection of dolls, magnets and cups. Their favorite part of writing/editing is giving others a chance to share their story or achieve their dreams and offering insight on "the little things." Some of Kaitlin's favorite topics reflect on their personal life, including health/disabilities, fringe topics and social issues.