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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Xavier chapter.



1. Finding a program that’s right for you

It feels like you’re back to square one, finding programs, which city you want to live in, and which school should I go to.


2. Personal Statement

This might be just me, but it is so hard to talk about myself.


3. References

College is not like high school where you have many of the same teachers; in college, it is different because you might have the same professor for two or three classes so it is harder to find people to give you recommendations.


4. GRE

The GRE is like the ACT on steroids, so it is stressful preparing for the test, and paying for it is very expensive.

Charese Foster is a senior Political Science major with a double minor in peace and justice studies and international studies from Toledo, Ohio. She is a contributor for Her Campus Xavier. When not writing for Her Campus, she spends her time with Model United Nations, reading her horoscope and watching Netflix.