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Lost (Poem)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WVWC chapter.

The blank page of opportunity, 

Ever glaring, ever begging 

For my mind to supply its diet, 

To keep it full of creative lines. 


However, its pleas are lost on me, 

Its siren call screeching in fear 

As it realizes that perhaps now 

My mind has abandoned us both. 


Like this blank page and blinking cursor, 

I too am glaring, begging it 

To cut off the alarm bells and sirens 

And go back to days where I could flow. 


My words were like water running out, 

Steadily filling any page, 

And holding the breath of any peer, 

Quieting the pain of my heart. 


However, as my heart heals and mends, 

It seems that my mind has packed up, 

No longer whispering quiet words 

But instead leaving me to screams. 


Now as I stare at this pleading page, 

I wonder if those words are gone, 

Hidden behind the panicked breathing, 

Or just as I am- lost. 

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