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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WPUNJ chapter.

Whether you want to write about how your day went or what you need to get done, journaling is an effective and worthwhile habit to pick up.  One of the oldest avenues of writing dating back to the 10th century, journaling has been the cornerstone to self-expression as well as recording history.  Today we’re going to dive into the different forms of journaling and how these may even help you in your day-to-day life!

To Do Lists

Writing out a To-Do list in your journal may seem tedious first, as a lot of us can just remember what we need to get done for the day, but writing out a list of tasks can do more than just show us what today may hold. In fact, writing out a To-Do list has served to improve one’s memory, as we tend to absorb information better by writing it down! Taking the time out to list certain tasks out also encourages productivity.  That’s not to say that we don’t deserve to have breaks and take things slow, but having a flow of clear and concise tasks to do can really help encourage someone to get things done for the day or week. Keeping a list can also set minds at ease with an organized list, as having to juggle many things at once can quickly become overwhelming for some.

Emotional Work

Journaling can also be useful in letting out emotions that may be stifled for a number of reasons.  For those who find it difficult to feel their emotions, or vocalize what they may be thinking, writing it out may actually help express their frustrations without even having to say it. Writing down all of one’s thoughts helps us to clear our minds and feel better when need be.  There are those who just aren’t comfortable with talking things out, so journaling can also serve as something to reflect upon in the future. This can also strengthen the relationship with oneself, since noticing any positive or negative patterns encourages a stronger sense of self.


For those who are gifted with the talent of the arts, using a journal is also a great tool for self-expression.  It could be anything like a simple scribble, a detailed masterpiece, or even just a poem.  The journal is your oyster!  There could be times where one might experience the dreaded writer’s block, or just generally a halt in creative thinking, bringing your journal along with you for when the idea hits can make things really easy in writing it down before it slips your mind.  Generally, there are unlimited uses to a journal, however you may want to use yours is up to your discretion, but it is definitely worth having one on hand wherever you go!

A tale old as time has been written in a journal, and I think it’s time you picked one up and made a habit of writing in it! There are several different forms listed above, but if you feel as though you may not use a journal for any of these reasons, a simple google search will display many different prompts you can work with to feel inspired!

Sama Jaber


Hi my name is Sama! I'm a sophomore at WillyP, a psych major, and a social justice minor. I'm excited to participate as a new member of HerCampus WPUNJ!