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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WM chapter.

The only thing worse than heading to the gym, is getting there and finding every cardio machine taken, which leaves your with two options: head right out the door or wait, ready to pounce onto the next available machine. It is common for the fitness mayhem to occur in waves, especially after Winter Break. Everyone gets the same idea of hitting the gym as part of their New Year’s Resolution and/or Spring Break preparation. So how can you get a cardiovascular workout without having to fight for a machine? Circuits! They are an easy and effective substitute that will really get your heart pumping!


Circuit training is an awesome alternative that kills two birds with one stone. It incorporates accelerated strength training and high intensity cardio. In other words, it will help you get your heart rate soaring while helping you to build muscle through resistance exercises. Here is an example of a vigorous circuit plan, giving you the jist of how circuits work and their structure:

-1 minute butt kicks

-1 minute high knees

-25 regular or knee pushups

-1 minute squat jumps

-1 minute jumping jacks

-25 crunches

-1 minute mountain climbers

-1 minute plank

-25 tricep dips

-1 minute suicides

-1 minute jump rope

-25 burpees

-1 minute plank

-1 minute wall sit

-25 kettlebell swings

*Repeat this 1 or 2 more times with a 3-5 minute rest period in between.

You can play around with the number of reps and the time lengths in order to adjust the level of intensity. Also, you can find tons of circuit workouts online, so there should be no shortage for exercise options. Next time you get caught in the crowded gym nightmare, try circuits and you wont have to wait for an elliptical!