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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

How telling myself nothing matters changed my life

Every morning, I say, “I am on a floating rock in the middle of nowhere for no apparent reason.” After hearing this saying once, I took it and ran. It has been my saving grace through a lot of turmoil and is easily my favorite morning affirmation.

As funny as the saying may be, it holds a decent amount of truth. We are on a floating rock. In the middle of nowhere. For no apparent reason. Why do we stress over everything that happens to us? I know it can be hard to see the world through this lens while going through something hard, but once you learn to, your life will not be the same.

Let me set the scene: you’ve just been dumped. They don’t like you anymore. They don’t want to be with you. Your world is imploding. Or is it?

Often we think things are a big deal because they make us feel big things, and big feelings are hard and overwhelming. This motto is not to tell you to ignore your feelings, it is to offer some perspective when the big feelings arise. To remind yourself that in the larger scheme of things, this moment and these feelings are not going to make your world implode. Really, they don’t matter. They only matter if you let them. This moment is so insignificant compared to the world, and the rest of your life you have to live.

I am often bombarded with big feelings and world-collapsing moments (or so I think). But, if I can take one second to step back and remind myself that I am on a floating rock, sometimes my problems feel a little more manageable. I hope that next time you feel overwhelmed or stressed, you can say to yourself, “I am on a floating rock in the middle of nowhere for no apparent reason,” and feel a little bit better about life.

Mckenna Laurent

Wisconsin '25

Mckenna is a Junior at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She is studying English literature. Along with being a section editor for Her Campus, she is a Senior Coordinator for the University Tutoring Service. Mckenna loves reading, baking, and watching New Girl!