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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

A month into the new year you’ll be sure to witness people attempting to go to the gym everyday, eat healthier, be kinder, etc. While those are great things to improve upon, the most important thing we must recognize in the midst of our challenging resolutions and everyday life goals, is why we are doing it and what it accomplishes.

Everything we do in life requires some amount of confidence whether it’s going to get coffee or asking that cute boy in your class for a pencil (I mean, is his hair perfect EVERYDAY?). The level of confidence you have directly affects your success in what you are trying to accomplish on a daily basis. Job interview? Walk in loud and proud, with a show stopping handshake. First date? Greet them with a strut that will be sure to impress ALL the VS Angels. Pair your purse, earrings and dazzling smile with a sense of self-assurance, as that is a woman’s most important accessory.

Nowadays it feels as if everyone has an opinion about everything, all the time. While it’s nice to receive some friendly advice from time to time, it is vital that these ever present outside voices don’t trump your inner voice. The way you view yourself reflects how others will see you, even though your opinion should be the only one that matters. If you think over and over that you’re going to fail a test, you are more likely to perform worse on the exam as your brain will be clouded with negativity. Positive thoughts are positive actions. You’re your biggest cheerleader in life and if you set down your pom poms, you’re going to lose the game.

The truth is that there is no secret to being a confident girl, a hot girl or a successful girl. You simply must believe that you are this girl, and others will believe you are too. You are the only person in your life who can change your life and inspire yourself. So, strut your stuff in that red dress or black pumps and show people how amazing you are.

Bella Pitzo

Wisconsin '23

Bella is currently a Freshman at UW Madison studying Nutrition and Dietetics, hoping to attend graduate school and become a Registered Dietician. Bella was born and raised in Wisconsin and is the fourth member of her family to attend UW Madison. Bella loves Badger football, running, and cooking healthy treats for her friends!
I am a senior at the greatest university— the University of Wisconsin. I am in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication, double tracking in reporting and strategic communications and earning a certificate in and Digital Studies. I am a lover of dance, hiking, writing for Her Campus, the Badgers and strawberry acais. I am also a president of Her Campus Wisconsin.