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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winthrop chapter.

In 2006, The Secret by Rhonda Byrne was written to show people that positive things will happen to you if you think enough positive thoughts. Not only is this a book, there is also a movie version of the book explaining how positive thinking, attraction, and manifesting can all work to create your dream. Manifestation is described as the practice of thinking aspirational thoughts with the purpose to make them real. A decade later, Gen Z has recreated this type of manifestation through viral Tik Tok videos, YouTube videos, and Instagram reels. It is now seen as a “trend” in society to manifest and practice spirituality. It has been an obsessive topic, so why wouldn’t you want to join the trend? 

What is manifesting?

Manifesting has been around for centuries and it is a form of religion based on spirituality. It is a relationship with the universe, you are working with it, not against. Many people argue there is a right and wrong way to manifest, use certain words, use crystals or incense, and so on. But here’s what I think and what has worked for me. When it comes to manifesting, do your research. Don’t just jump into the whole trend and expect your goals or aspirations to be immediately met. I started off by reading articles and doing research on what manifesting is, how it works, and how to become the highest version of yourself. 

Who you are is connected to everything around you and everything has energy. When you are connected with the universe, it is a feeling of consciousness and directness. Dr. Deganit Nuur describes manifesting as flowing not forcing, and co-creating with the universe. Manifestation is not focused on materialistic aspirations but is focused on your growth and who you can become. 

How to use manifestation in your life: 

According to Michele Stans, you have to remember that the universe does not hand things to you, we co-exist and co-create for a reason. She has written 7 Steps to Manifesting Your Dream Life to help others manifest and create the life they desire. 

There are basic principles to manifesting that should be the core of your techniques and intentions. First is setting intentions which can be done by identifying your what and your why. This can be your purpose as to what and why you want to manifest. You have to allow the “Universe/God/Source of energy” to handle the where, when and how part of your intentions. Additionally, intentions should not be set in a headspace of negativity. It is important to be positive and connected to yourself. 

The second principle of manifesting is meditation. This allows you to stay connected to your core and the universe. If you have never meditated and want to learn how Mindful can teach you. When you are manifesting and meditating, it is important to remember that when you set your intentions do not become obsessive over them. This inevitably leads to your intentions being pushed further from you. 

The third principle of manifesting is practicing gratitude. Gratuity is another word for being thankful. It is important to recognize what you have already in your life. Your life is valuable and precious, not everyone is blessed to have what you have. Practice gratitude everyday and even when you are manifesting. This involves thanking the universe or higher source for what you have and more. This helps shift your mind from “lack of what you don’t have” to the “abundance that you do have”. 

Trust the process 

Manifesting takes time and is not handed to you. Do not feel you need to follow a trend to fit in either. Everyday we are surrounded by positive and negative outcomes of our actions. Remind yourself that letting go of those negative interactions or feelings and letting in the positives will help you work towards your goal. If you want to learn more about manifestation  Integrative Nutrition has written an amazing article.

My Experience

Personally, I have practiced holistic medicine and spirituality since I was little. My mother has taught me how it is important to take care of not only your body and mind but your spirit too. Journaling and connecting with the universe has helped me focus on what I want to get out of my life and how I can get there. There are times when I fall off track and get consumed by things around me but that is ok. Taking time to sit down, set your intentions, practicing gratitude and meditating are all ways to start your journey to manifesting. 

My name is Gabby. I am a junior at Winthrop University, studying Athletic Training as well as a minor in coaching. I love dogs, plants and sports. I am passionate about self-care, mental health, feminism and spirituality.