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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winona chapter.

February 7th is National Send a Card to a Friend Day which reminds us to send some cheer and joy to our friends through the mail. In the years before today’s advanced technology, sending mail was a really great way to keep in contact with someone. Sending a card today means even more since instant messaging is available. 



The best way to observe this national day is by creating or buying fun, cute and creative cards to let your friends and family know you’re thinking about them.  Below are some creative ideas for easy ways to make cards!

Letter and envelope
Photo by Kate Macate from Unsplash

Stamped cards

  • Colored cards
  • Calligraphy cards
  • Circuit project cards
  • Long loving messages on cards
  • Pop-up / 3D cards
  • Shaped cards (like a heart) 


A card is a really simple but effective way to let your friends and family know you’re thinking about them. So, why not stop by the craft store to let them know just how much you miss them during this pandemic. 



Lena Zarate

Winona '22

Lena is in her third year at Winona state University, and she's majoring in social work and minoring in criminal justice and ethnic studies. She hopes to get her master’s degree in social work and hopes to work with at risk youth and juvenile delinquents. In her free time she enjoys watching Netflix, playing rugby, watching true crime, volunteering, and listening to music.