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How to Be a Leader When You Prefer to Be a Follower

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winona chapter.

When you think of a leader, you probably think of someone who is incredibly outgoing, can speak comfortably in front of groups, and knows what they want in life.

Well let me tell you, that is definitely not the person who is writing this article. I am more of an introverted person (until you get to know me), I still do not like talking in front of people (though I have gotten substantially better at it), and I am still trying to figure out what to do with my life (sorry, fam).

If you have ever known me, I was, and still am at times, the person that goes with whatever someone says or doesn’t care what decision is finally made; I am not really the person that is the first to speak in most situations. This can be helpful, but only some of the time.

It is important to stand up for what you want or what you think. It lets others know what you want to happen, and perhaps others feel the same way about the issue and you are giving them a voice.

Here are some of the ways I have kind of forced myself to become more of a leader and be more confident in my leadership roles.

1. Apply

One of the first things that you can do to be a leader is apply for positions that are in leadership roles; for example, a position on the executive board in your club or a position on campus. I first applied to be the social media director for Her Campus at the end of my freshman year and I did it thinking that I would have no chance of getting it. Well, I was wrong. I was chosen for the position and I am currently in my second year. I have learned so much through it!

Another leadership role I had to apply for was a resident assistant (RA). And let me tell you, that was a leadership experience like I have never had before – and I loved every minute of it. (PS: read about my experience here.)

2. Step Up

Another way to be a leader is to step up, whether that be for a class project or presenting for the group in class. Just having your voice be heard makes others listen to you, whether they are aware of it or not.  And even if it is for a brief amount of time in class, it’s a step in the right direction.

Stepping up can also be for what you want to happen. For example, I was a part of this event where I believed that it would be better to approach the problem in a  slightly different way. I was hesitant to share my idea at first, but when I said my idea, I was surprised by the number of people who agreed with me. Sometimes when you step up, others’ voices are heard.

3. Try it out

Even if it is just testing the waters, you may never know what you are capable of if you don’t give it a shot. Want to change something in your club? Talk to your executive board about it. Maybe you want to change the layout of a presentation for class? Say something at your next group project meeting. Even the little things can help you work up to the big things.

Those are just three of my tips for becoming a stronger leader, especially when you’d rather be in the background. Maybe applying for a leadership position isn’t something you are comfortable beginning with, so maybe try “stepping up” in your next group project (and you know those are right around the corner).

Gaining leadership skills, especially leadership positions on campus during college, will help you grow more confident in your interpersonal skills – and it looks good on a resumé. :)

Meet Linsey Taylor, one of the campus correspondents for the Winona State Her Campus chapter. Linsey is a senior majoring in Therapeutic Recreation with a minor in psychology and hopes to become a child life specialist with her degree. In her free time, Linsey enjoys reading, watching Netflix, and hanging out with friends and family.
Hi I'm Emily and I'm from Appleton, Wisconsin! I'm a Mass Communication- Advertising student, with a minor in Art History at WSU. I like concerts, hockey, cooking, and dancing in the car. I also enjoy guacamole, french fries, and caramel iced coffees from Dunkin' Donuts. All I really want to do is travel the world, move to a big city, and spend my weekends on a lake. IG & Twitter @esheptoski