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What to do if You are Already Behind in your Classes

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wilfrid Laurier chapter.

A new school year is upon us, which means new and old commitments are beginning again, students are reconnecting with friends, and getting back into the rhythm of being away from home and on your own. Whether you are a new or returning student, everyone prepares for a fresh start and a fresh attitude for what the new year holds! As amazing as it is to reconnect with friends and significant others, these reconnections can cause some distraction when trying to start off your academic career in the right way. Though it is only the second week back, a lot of us are already drowning in readings. Some have even yet to receive their textbooks due to the enormous line at the bookstore and bookstore express.

Fear not, for you still have time to get your school year on track and be ready to ace those courses. “If it is not today, then it will never be tomorrow” is a great quote to live by if you are someone who is a procrastinator at heart. Whether you are a freshman or a senior, we all need a little help here and there to get us back on track. To do so, here are a few tips and tricks to help brighten up your new year and take a little weight off your shoulders.


1. Motivation

Motivation is the key to starting anything in your life. Whether it is school related or not, motivation is the start to creating a new and brighter you! If you have the motivation to help tackle the stress in your life, then your stress will become insignificant and will allow you to accomplish your goals. Advice? Tell yourself why you need this change and motivation in your life right now. How is this motivation going to help you in the long run?

2. If you don’t already have a planner, then get one. Just ONE.

Planners are a student’s best friend (though we always say you can have more than one best friend in real life ). In a student’s world it is best to keep your best friend, the planner, limited to one. When you have more than one planner, your information can get lost and tasks will not be as easily completed. Having only one planner can eliminate stress, since all of the information is in one spot and the idea of clutter filling your mind won’t be a problem. Always keep your planner on you at all times! Important dates can come flying at you without notice and you will need your planner to catch them.

Just in general, writing down everything you need to do for the day/week/year, allows the information to settle into your mind. This will eliminate the stress of being overwhelmed, and the stress of not completing the tasks on time!

3. The three S’s

The three most important words that start with the letter S: self-care, spacing and syllabus. These three words are extremely helpful when talking about getting on track for your new year!

Self-care is  vital  when wanting to maintain a healthy, upbeat lifestyle. When you take time for self-care  such as naps, full meals, tons of water, exercise and relaxation, you  restore your body in more ways than one; not only are you helping with your physical well being, you are helping your mental well being too! When your body feels ready to start your day, then your day will progress naturally and easily for you.

Spacing out your day and week allows you to have freedom to do more than just school work. It allows you to enjoy your activities and social life! Having a space between the two aspects of university allows for more growth and enjoyment, and even an appreciation, when doing one or the other. If you have different activities and tasks to do each day, it allows your mind to become more creative and less tired from a routine. You will have more energy, as well more free time to enjoy the little happy things in life…and you can’t forget to enjoy the little things in life now can you?

The Syllabus is perhaps the most dreaded word to students. This is because every student knows that when the syllabus is uploaded, summer has come to an end and school is upon us. Though we may hate it when our professors have a syllabus lecture, it is actually important to listen and learn in more ways than one.

Make sure to print off your syllabus for each class and put them into a binder or folder for easy access, to read when needed. If you have your syllabus on you, it allows you to quickly know what tasks you need to complete that day. Highlighting your syllabus is also a great tool to use for allowing the brain to process what tasks have been completed, and it also gives the brain a chance to process the hard work you have completed for the semester so far!

Though we hate following a guideline, a syllabus is never there to misguide you in anyway. It is designed exactly for your guidance in your courses. Make sure to always always always read your syllabus!

Don’t forget to put the dates in your trusty planner!


4. Workspace

A huge reason you may be feeling behind has to do with the environment you create for yourself. If you have a messy environment, you create a messier life, because a messy life makes for a disorganized mind. Having your workspace cleared off and organized the way you like to have it organized is vital to having a clear mind. This change can have a ripple effect on how you handle your day-to-day tasks and activities. Whether you work at the library, in a café or at home, having a space that feels good allows you to perform better. Simplicity is key. Make sure to keep the environment where you do most of your work, a clear, happy and inviting environment!

Also, personalize your environment. Having a cleared off and organized workspace doesn’t necessarily mean that it needs to have a bare workspace. You can add little touches to make your workspace your own! This allows you to feel more comfortable, less stressed and be productive!

Certain tips and tricks work for different students, as not everyone works in the same way. I hope that whatever works for you and your habits allows you to get back on track and helps you to have an amazing year!

4th Year Communication Studies Major, at Wilfrid Laurier University.
Jenna Steadman

Wilfrid Laurier

4th year Psychology major at Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo ON.