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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wilfrid Laurier chapter.

Some of the greatest thinkers and most interesting people in the world share a common trait that may seem unattainable, yet everyone can grow to possess it. Between a plethora of spectacular thinkers, the one common trait is passion. Numerous captivating people I’ve met have caught my attention because of their passion for their work, hobbies, dreams or anything and everything. So maybe it’s time to ask yourself, what are you passionate about?

It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks of your answer because passion is specific to you, and I promise that you will become so much more of your authentic self if you have something you can ramble on about for hours. I adore rambling on about my favourite fantasy novels, how amazing Christopher Nolan is and how I think analyzing film and literature is deeply enjoyable. Being back in the classroom and having the opportunity to meet various new people, I’ve realized that you could get anyone talking passionately if you unearth what they love.

In general, especially in today’s world, we overthink our daily interactions and often stress about saying hello to someone new, but it doesn’t have to be that way; often saying hello to someone new is the highlight of my day. I truly think getting to know yourself first is one of the most effective ways to push yourself to talk to others. There’s nothing better than feeling heard and listened to, and this can be achieved by finding what genuinely makes you tick. I think the thing we all need to realize is that we are such an individualistic species, and no two are even remotely the same, so why bother to be embarrassed about the things you love and the things that spark your passion? The idea of the ‘collective’ or ‘popular’ is merely constructed, holding back those afraid to stray from the norms.

Honestly, if I were to bet on who was going to be the next Elon Musk, Shakespeare, Mozart or any other prominent figure, I would not say they are part of the group of those you blend in or fall in line. Instead, I would argue it would be someone who has found their passion and has shared it with others, allowing them to grow into the most authentic version of themselves. We are meant to be individuals, and we can learn from one another, a strength often overlooked because of the desire to fit the mold.

Picture finding your passion as a miniature spark igniting the brightest burning fire that was ever lit, the heat raging and the intensity only growing as you share it with others. Passion incites an abundance of new ideas and can make people the most authentic version of themselves. Now ask yourself, what are you passionate about? Then never be afraid to share it with everyone you meet.

Abigail Oshell

Wilfrid Laurier '25

Author in the making, film enthusiast & English major📚🎥🪴🐸