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The Best Things About Your Second Semester of First Year

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wilfrid Laurier chapter.

Our first semester of university has come and gone, and what a journey it has been! Things are finally starting to make sense, and thankfully, we survived exams! First semester had its ups and downs, but it is easy to say we are extremely excited for second semester. Here are a few of the best things about second semester of your first year!

Knowing the Campus

Finally (well, hopefully) we are not lost anymore!! Campus doesn’t seem so unfamiliar, and getting to and from class is no longer a worry! You now know all of the short cuts and fastest ways of getting from place to place. No more freaking out about what BAB stands for…

Better Study Habits

We’ve gone through our first round of midterms and exams! You’ve now mastered your study habits, and have found that place on campus, or in your room, that you know you’ll get a ton of work done at. You’ve gotten through the nightmare of writing your exams in a huge room, and have hopefully now figured out how to manage your time when you have 5 exams consecutively. This semester will be a breeze!

Finally Settled into Res

We all heard the scary rumors about res before moving in, and now, we’re living these rumors. Although things can get messy, loud, and you almost fall out of your bed every other night, res is now home. Your roommates and neighbors are like family, and you know no matter how hard you try to deny it, you will miss res a liiitttlleee bit once you’ve moved out.

Knowing Where You Belong

University is known to be the place where you really define your interests and find where you’re supposed to be, and first year is when all of these realizations fall into place. By now, we’re starting to get a feel of if our program is for us, or if we’re more into something else. Some of us may even be realizing that uni just is not for us, and that is totally ok, too! We’re one step closer in finding out where we’re supposed to be.

Found the Good Friends

You’ve gotten over the feeling of having to be friends with everyone. You’ve found and met those people that love you for you, and are true friends. In high school, there’s always that feeling of having to be in. There is that group of people that everyone wants to be friends with, and the stress of the social hierarchy is real, but now, NO more. You’re doing you, and you’ve finally found people that accept and support that.

Not So Shy Anymore

The comfort zone has been broken. No more being shy or hiding behind the curtains! You’re finally cool with talking to new people and making new friends! Talking to your prof’s and TA’s is never a worry because you know it will only benefit you in the end. Meeting new people is exciting and something to look forward to!

One Step Closer to Being Done

We’re almost there people!! We’re one semester closer to being done, and even better, we’re almost out of res! Keep your heads up high and keep going, because you can do it. May this semester be even better than the last, and keep making memories and friends, because these are the BEST years!

We have finally mastered living off of no sleep, and an excessive amount of coffee, and we are absolutely killing it. Last semester was great, but due to all of these perks and many more, second semester will be just as amazing, if not better! Good luck this semester Golden Hawks, and make sure it is one to never be forgotten.

Jenna Steadman

Wilfrid Laurier

4th year Psychology major at Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo ON.