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Acing the Stress: How Yoga Can Turn Your Exam Season into Zen Season

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wilfrid Laurier chapter.

Hello there, stressed-out students! Exam season is upon us, and with it comes the dilemma of balancing textbooks, notes and a growing stack of caffeine cups. But wait! Before you dive headfirst into that bottomless pit of stress, let’s talk about a secret weapon that could change the game – Yoga.

Yes, you heard it right. Yoga might just be your academic superhero this exam season, and I am about to tell you how.

The Miracle of Mind-Body Harmony:

Imagine a world where you could study for hours without your brain going into zombie mode. A world where you could stay calm, collected and Zen even when you can’t remember that one complicated formula. Well, that world is closer than you think, and it’s called yoga.

Yoga isn’t just about pretzel-like poses and twisting your body into human origami. It’s about aligning your body and mind, finding balance and breathing life into your studies. When you practice yoga, you learn to control your breath, calm your nerves and release stress. All of this makes a world of difference during those nerve-wracking exam weeks.

Focus, Grasshopper, Focus:

Ever heard of that “mind like water” philosophy? It’s about having a clear, calm and focused mind, and yoga can help you achieve it. The art of mindfulness in yoga can sharpen your concentration and help you stay present in the moment. No more drifting thoughts about weekend plans when you should be tackling that 20-page essay.

The Power Nap Reimagined:

You know those catnaps you take when studying? Well, we’re about to upgrade your power nap game. Yoga’s relaxation techniques and deep breathing can revitalize your brain and body in a way that even coffee can’t. So, instead of a caffeine-induced heart rate, you’ll have a tranquil mind ready to absorb all that knowledge.

The Morning Kick-Starter:

Don’t you hate those mornings when you’re tempted to hit the snooze button twenty times? Yoga can be your daybreak savior. A quick morning yoga routine can boost your energy, increase your flexibility and set a positive tone for the rest of the day.

Procrastination, Begone!

Yoga is a productivity ninja. By practicing yoga, you’ll improve time management, reduce procrastination and even make better decisions. In other words, no more last-minute cramming.

The Exam Hall Chill Pill:

So, the day of reckoning has arrived. You’re waiting outside the exam hall, heart pounding, palms sweaty. What if we told you yoga can be your secret weapon? A few deep breaths, calming poses and a focused mind can make the difference between a total brain freeze and a successful exam.

In Conclusion:

Yoga is not just about fitness and flexibility; it’s about your mental and emotional well-being. So, if you’re like me and try to take on everything at once, slow down to speed up. With the right asanas and mindful practices, you might just turn your exam season into a “Zen” season.

As you stretch, breathe and find your inner peace, remember that the true purpose of yoga is not just to touch your toes; it’s to touch your soul. Embrace the tranquillity, my fellow scholars, and may your exam season be a journey of self-discovery as much as academic achievement. Namaste, and good luck with those exams!

Ciara Edwards

Wilfrid Laurier '24

Philanthropist who has a background in social work and psychology. Very passionate about social justice, my community, and being involved in my community whether that's volunteering or being a part of events to sell my jewelry. I am a very outgoing person who loves people which reflects my education and lifestyle.