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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Westminster chapter.

We all want to stay fit and be healthy, but not at £35 per month at the uni gym. With almost a month into the second term of uni, you probably realized that you haven’t followed through with your plan to be healthier this semester. It’s easy to snuggle into your duvet in the bitter cold and pop up another episode of New Girl. Instead, spend that time pampering your body to a nice workout. Luckily there are some cheap alternatives, especially online, that can help you maintain your weight or lose that belly flab for bikini season.

Warning: I’m not fitness trainer or a doctor, so please consult a physician. Remember to work hard, but not over stress your body. 

For Pilates: Blogilates

“Train like a beast. Look like a beauty,” is Cassey Ho’s motto. This Pilates instructor has hundreds of YouTube videos showing you how to have the best bod ever without any equipment. I especially love the free workout calendar she uploads on her website every month. Each day you either work out your butt, legs, arms, back or abs. She even has a bikini body meal plan that’s both easy to make and cheap. Her energy and motivational lines throughout the workout will get you moving.

More information: http://www.blogilates.com

For Cardio: Insanity

If you’re willing to spend a few extra quid, this is definitely worth the investment. Insanity is an intense cardio training workout that actually transforms your body in two months. I can say from personal experience that this works. I must warn you that it’s actually INSANE. I never sweat so much in my life. I like to do Shaun T’s 40-minute videos three times a week with rests in between for recovery. Keep a bottle of water at hand — you’ll need it.

More information: http://www.beachbody.co.uk/product/fitness-training/insanity-workout.do

For Yoga: Yoga Journal

Looking for something more low-key? Try following the yoga poses on Yoga Journal. It has an incredible video section that allows users to search for videos based on their fitness level. Whether you’re a newbie or a master yogini, there are videos that concentrate on certain stretches, meditation or body parts, along with focuses on back pain, depression, sleep and energy. The website has additional information on basic moves and building proper posture. Just grab your yoga mat and launch into sun salutations!

More information: http://www.yogajournal.com

For Strength training: The Ultimate Fitblr Resource Blog

I am absolutely obsessed with the infographics on this Tumblr. It has a workout plan for any lifestyle, including a “I have no time” work out – which means no excuses. Best of all, it’s targeted toward uni ladies. I suggest trying the Dorm Room Workout, Spring Breakers Workout series and the At-Home Workout series.

Plus, there are several great healthy recipes and meal plans that actually taste yummy.

More information: http://downtownn.tumblr.com/


Frances Dumlao is a wannabe travel journalist that who is currently enjoying the fabulous weather in London. Usually she can be found eating and drinking in New York and Philadelphia. She also writes about travel, internet, style, and career for twentysomethings in her blog at http://www.wanderlustnotes.com. Follow her on Twitter at @francesdumlao.