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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Western chapter.

Name: Disha Rawal

Position: Junior Editor

Age: 19

Program: Neuroscience

Hometown: London, Ontario

Tell me a little bit about yourself: 

“I used to love Dance Moms and I’m very ashamed of that.” 

How did you get involved with Her Campus Western?

“I got involved with Her Campus Western last year as a Junior Editor. I loved it so much that I decided to stick around for another!” 

What’s your favourite article you’ve written for Her Campus Western? 

“One of the first articles I wrote has a special place in my heart. ‘Sweet Treats for your Sweet Tooth: The Coolest Dessert Places in London’ is a ridiculous title, though.” 

What are you most excited about this year at Her Campus Western? 

“I’m excited to keep working on my editing skills and improving my writing! I’m also super excited to work with all the other talented people on our team!” 

What’s your favourite part of your program?

“I love that my program is very interdisciplinary. I get to take a bunch of cool biology and psychology classes. ‘Introduction to Social Psychology’ has been my favourite class and I highly recommend it to everyone!”

What was the best part of your summer? 

“Not writing the MCAT. If I’m being serious, though, I got to go to Pittsburgh which was breathtaking.”

What’s your dream job? 

“Currently, I’m aiming to get a PhD in Clinical Psychology. If I get there, then I hope to practice  with adolescents, do research or go into school psychology!” 

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? 

“I’ve wanted to go ziplining in Costa Rica since I was six years old. That’s the ultimate dream.”

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1 cup vibrancy, 1/2 cup feisty, a few tablespoons of crazy, and a dash of witty all popped in the oven in the year of 2000.
Shauna Ruby Valchuk is HCW's 2019-20 Editor-in-Chief. She's in her fifth year studying Creative Writing, English, Language and Literature. Currently, she is working on her creative non-fiction thesis. She writes in her off days and publishes it on her on days and hopes to one day make money doing the stuff she loves surrounded by as many cats as legally allowed.