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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Western chapter.


When I was a kid and I was acting like a brat my dad would sarcastically call me a princess. For some reason, I was always offended by this. But recently I had a breakthrough:

I am a goddamn princess.

I am beautiful. Maybe that’s a horribly self-centered thing to say, but it took me a long time to reach a place where I could say that and not feel like I was lying to myself. Now I will scream it to the world with no hesitation. I will wear a top in public that shows my shoulders without over thinking and talking myself out of it. A princess is beautiful and she knows it.

I am kind. I will listen to anyone that needs to talk and I will let them cry on my shoulder. I will ask them to make sure they text me when they get home safe and I’ll worry if they don’t. I will go out of my way to help someone, or to be there for them. There is nothing I won’t do for those I care about. A princess is kind.

I am strong. I will stand up for the “little guy” and I will make my voice heard. I will not let anyone walk over me or my friends. Doing so will provoke the kind of anger in me that results in a scary kind of calm. I won’t yell or curse, I will speak to you like a human being — and I won’t be spoken to as anything less. A princess is strong.

I also get what I want. I wanted to move away for school — so I did it. I wanted to major in English — so I’m doing it. I want to get a job in editing — so I will do it. There is very little that I can not do if I put my mind to it. I am incredibly determined with everything I do. Whether I reach my goals or not, I am still satisfied that I put the best version of myself forward. A princess gets what she wants.

In the words of Princess Mia, “to be a princess you have to believe you are a princess.” Mia rocked being a princess. I am a princess, and that doesn’t make me self-centered or spoiled or full of myself, that makes me awesome. I hope everyone who reads this realizes that they too have an inner princess – or prince — dying to be let out!


Former Editor in Chief of Her Campus Western, 2018-2019. I spend my time working towards and English degree with a minor in creative writing. My motto is, "do what makes you happy" - I don't know who said it first but it's some damn good advice. I love everything HCW related and want nothing more than to continue watching this chapter grow!
This is the contributor account for Her Campus Western.