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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Western chapter.

We are all completely aware of the idea of two people who are romantically involved breaking up either because things didn’t work out, or someone in the relationship made some mistakes. However, no one really talks about the “friendship breakup.” Sometimes, it can even be a more painful experience, and take more time to get over.

I have definitely had my fair share of shitty friends, I’m not going to lie.I have promised myself that I shouldn’t regret the experiences I’ve had because they shaped the person that I am today. A “friendship breakup” doesn’t just happen; sometimes it’s a long time coming. In all relationships, commitment and honesty need to be there in a friendship, just just as they are in a romantic relationship. If those key characteristics are not present, or are only one sided, it’s guaranteed to slowly fade away, no matter how long the friendship has been around for. Through my experiences, I have learned that a relationship should never be one-sided, as one person cannot fight for the other person to care. You can’t make someone love you or care for you the way you do for them. It’s not genuine, and soon enough you will be too emotionally drained and tired to keep trying.

No one should settle for a friendship if they feel they are not receiving what they are giving out to the other person. Relationships are all about reciprocating and supporting each other. There are many seasons in life where one friend might need the other more, and that’s okay. If it is a genuine relationship, the actions and feelings that were given will be reciprocated at a time when it’s truly needed. Everyone deserves someone that sticks by them through the breakups and the makeups of life. No one can be consistent all of the time, as there are always seasons within friendships it is important to realize that when those difficult times in your life come about, you deserve to have friends who are there to love you and support you.

Friendships are very hard to let go of, and deciding to move on from one that has been a major part of your life can be very frustrating and disappointing. From my own experience, I have come to understand that there are multiple ways that a friendship could end. Sometimes it has been my own decision to walk away due to hurt and disloyalty. Other times, it happens as two people become disconnected with what is going on in each others lives.  Don’t ever discredit how you feel; because what you feel inside is completely okay and should be heard and communicated. There are so many ways for the “friendship breakup” to happen, but I personally believe that if you don’t feel appreciated, supported, or loved in your friendship, it  might be time for you to walk away. Moving on from the bad friendships in your life will only lead you that much closer to finding friends that will truly be there for you no matter what.



Amanda is a National Intern, Style and Beauty Blogger and a Chapter Advisor for Her Campus. She is doing a double major in criminology and sociology at Western University. She is a proud member of Alpha Gamma Delta - Zeta Chi chapter, and makes 99% of her decisions based off of WWEWD (what would Elle Woods Do?). Follow her on instagram @amanda_h_jones, and listen to her talk about makeup *a bit* more than usual at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_m-7cOzh_oI&t=237s