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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wells chapter.

I miss you.


You’re six feet too far,

glass contains you and 

breaks you away.


A mask prevents your voice

from filling my ears.

Your face hidden,


from my touch.

I thought we were safe,

flooded from the words


stabbing my cranium

as I wish to see you again.

A wish that may not


be granted.

My thoughts are plagued,

with the worry you might not


make it.

Torturous thoughts

killing me but


smothering you.

When this is over,

I won’t take your nagging for granted.


I promise to see you

every day when I know

you’re safe.


The feel of your papery hands,

grasping mine as I try to leave.

Your words blending together


the stories you already told me.

Smelling the powder upon 

your skin. Your face. Your voice.


Even though I moved away,

living next door and not

seeing you


hurts more than 

the distance.

Stay safe.


Stay with me.


It’ll be over soon

and I’ll see you again,



My name is Parker Howell. I love to spend my time writing (mostly poetry) and cuddling with my cat when he's not biting me. I'm majoring in Creative Writing at Wells College so writing is a major influence in my life. I love cacti, corgis, and chai tea.