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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wells chapter.



There have been so many times that I think to myself that I “don’t have time” and other people have used that excuse on me as well. I will admit, I don’t spend my time wisely. It was recently that I recognized this. I watch too much Netflix, I spend a lot of time talking to people, texting my boyfriend, scrolling through social media and so much more. Then I find myself getting overwhelmed with the workload I have or the amount of time I have left in a day suddenly dwindled. I realized that I have so many goals for myself and things that I want to do, I can’t keep wasting my time. 


The truth is that nothing is in my schedule is there without me allowing it to be. I have been listening to the book, “Girl Stop Apologizing” on Audible lately. This is about a woman who built a business from the ground up and how she overcame the excuses she had given herself. She also speaks VERY motivationally. In the part of the book that I am on, she asked the readers to map out a week, hour for hour, of what we usually do. After this, try to set aside 5 hours within the week to working towards our goals. I did this and I did one with a single day. This put my fears onto paper… I waste a LOT of time. So what does this mean for me? 


I am not using these two excuses anymore, “I am just too tired” and “I don’t have time.” I am going to be HONEST with myself from now on. Am I tired because it’s super late? Am I doing homework now because I decided to binge-watch “Somewhere Between”? Do I not have time or am I not prioritizing this right now? 


How do you want to plan out your time? How do you use your time and what are your goals? It is time you take control of YOUR time. Make goals, and teach yourself the discipline to keep working towards them. Give yourself the confidence to reach your goals! Work towards self-care and teaching yourself that you are worthy of the life you wish to create for yourself. Then reach for the stars. Make crazy goals, make goals for the day, make goals for the week, month, year, 5 years, 20 years! Don’t give up on yourself. This is the time where you are SUPPOSED to dream big. This is the time where you are supposed to start building this name for yourself and trying out your different dreams! Even if my older audience is reading this, YOU HAVE THE TIME. You need to take the time for yourself. This society makes everything reachable. Do you want to start a business selling the crafts you make? Make an Etsy account, an Instagram for the products and get your name out there! There are infinite possibilities. It’s all about how you use your time. 


One major thing that will also contribute, is sleep. I know, I know, you “don’t have time”. However, remember, we aren’t making that excuse. Start a routine that you will be able to stick to! Go to bed at 10 pm, wake up at 6 am. That is 8 hours of sleep! It’s still pretty late, and when you wake up earlier, you can make more time for your coffee, tidy up, get ready, and then you can start your day right away! This works for me, sometimes I even wake up earlier. I love the day time, and when the sun shines. Then attend classes, do homework, and asses the time you have and how you use it. Work towards your goals while waking up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed!


So, one of the things that hold me back, I realized while listening to the book, is that I don’t find myself to be able to achieve the goals I have set. Some of them are small such as, I want to learn to crochet and start a blog. Some are large, like my life goals and graduating from college with a 3.8 overall GPA. However, by taking control of the time that I am given, creating new habits, and working towards my goals, I have started to build more confidence in myself. I hope this newfound information will also help you. 


So get up, get out, and work for your goals. Start educating yourself and listening to motivational and self-growth books. Take control of your time. Work and work and work. You are enough, you are worthy, and you CAN do this. Show the world your potential. Know you are supported and loved throughout the process. Finally, achieve all you are meant to achieve. 


I’m so proud of you,


Hi! I'm a 19 year old soul and a lover of words. I hope to inspire you to harvest growth, manifest love, and pursue happiness. I love my pupper, farmer's markets, and big cups of coffee. Enjoy! With love, Carin.
Wells Womxn