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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Waterloo chapter.

Let’s just start off with TFW you have 10 assignments due the next week and just the thought of having to do them makes you stressed out AF. THE STRESS IS REAL OK. And of course, while during this week, you’re not dead panicking, you know for a fact that next week, you will be drinking triple the amount of coffee, crying yourself to sleep, and wondering why you are even in university when you cannot for the life of you, manage your time wisely. “I remember to prioritize upcoming deadlines and do a chunk each day so that I meet those deadlines on time,” LOL what a joke. It’s more like:

Remember how you started off this term? “This is gonna be the term that I will keep a 85 average across my courses, study efficiently, work out once a week and eat healthy.” LMAO yeah screw that because how did I end up getting to the position I’m in right now (sleep-deprived, mentally drained and at the two polar opposites of caring about school). Honestly how did I end up in this position? Idk either. I just hate school is all I know. Yes, compared to developing countries, where children are forced into slave labour and terrorism is a very real thing, I am lucky to be where I am right now. Yes I know others in the world would kill to be in my position, and as much as I sound super entitled saying this, I’m not even close to where I want to be in the future.

You know that feeling when you wish you could live peacefully in the moment and just chillax, but there’s no time in hell to chillax, because you’re buried an entire kilometer deep in assignments, with finals coming up, and forget that there is light at the end of the tunnel. The tunnel has been a long journey, and the good thing is that you’re almost there. You’ve almost reached the end. I know the battle at the end of your journey is going to be difficult. It’s harder than the rest of the tunnel, but trust me, you’ll somehow make it through. You’ll somehow come out of the dark tunnel alive. And I believe in you. Give it your all, all of your energy, and get through the end. After that you’ll be free, to relax and chill for a week. And then you can finally enjoy yourself. Until then, work hard, so that you can enjoy the fruits of your labour after all is done ☺

Good luck everyone with assignments!

Insert biography here.
I'm a fourth year student at the University of Waterloo currently enrolled in the Global Business & Digital Arts program. I have a passion for UX, social media, writing, marketing and networking!