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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Waterloo chapter.
You see them in the mirror. An angel from above. Love couldn’t be anything else but them. In the mirror you see them.
You see them waiting to be loved. Waiting to be cared for. You loved them but you forgot.  In the mirror you see them.
Their memories are in the mirror.  Their laughter is in the mirror.  You see them smile.  You see them sad. In the mirror you see them.
You love them.  You miss them.  In the mirror stands their dreams.  In the mirror you see them.
You want them to be free. You want them to smile.  Love them unconditionally. In the mirror you see them.
Believe in them.  You see them fly in an open sky. You see them hurt. You see them lonely. In the mirror you see them.
Hold their hand.  Guide them to solace.  Help them believe.  In the mirror you see them.
You see them in the mirror.  With eyes filled with dignity. A free bird waiting to love. A sparkling star in the dark.  In the mirror is you.
Love yourself.  Believe yourself.  In the mirror is you.  
Tithi Joshi

Waterloo '22

She is a student at the University of Waterloo in Health Studies. With a passion for medicine, but has a love for writing.
My name is Rachel Hickey,  I'm studying Psychology, Human Resource Management, and English! My interests include food, fitness, feminism, singing in obnoxious a cappella groups and petting other people's dogs.