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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Waterloo chapter.

I promise

I shall glisten in your presence

I shall join our hands and stand 

Even if I stand alone for both


I promise 

I will live in your memories 

I will relish in the starlight

When you dazzle the sky 

With your sparkle


I promise 

I will remember your essence 

I will not cry in your absence 


I promise 

I will live

Even if you’re gone 

I won’t burn inside


I promise 

I won’t carry sorrow 

I will laugh with grace 

I will raise my head and live


I promise

I won’t be lost in the abyss of your memories

I won’t live in the what ifs  

I wish our story hadn’t ended 


I promise 

To live without you 

I question why should I live without you

And I will always question.


I promise

I won’t carry anger 

I won’t carry burden 


I promise

If I am not yours 

I won’t be any other’s 

I promise

Tithi Joshi

Waterloo '22

She is a student at the University of Waterloo in Health Studies. With a passion for medicine, but has a love for writing.
Hi there! My name is Caitlyn Gellatly and I am the Campus Correspondent and President for the Waterloo Chapter of Her Campus! I am a Digital Arts Communication and International Studies student in my 4th year. I love to read, write, cook and spend time with friends, family, and sorority sisters!