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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Waterloo chapter.

Sinking into a deep dark ocean 

She drowned and drowned 

Over and over again

Her fears came alive

Thorns to her heart 

A sea of life around 

But she drowned deeper

A gorgeous array of blue all around

A hand on the surface

But she sank to the depth of her pain

A sparkle in the eye 

A jolt of tears 

A bundle of sadness hidden in her heart

A cry for help

But she drowned deeper

She drowned to meet a silence so deep

Excruciating pain 

Excruciating guilt

Excruciating desire to live once more.

She sank deep 

She drowned with life inside

But a questioning within

A battle within

Do I want to live?

Drowning in her dreams

Drowning in her desires

Drowning in her happiness 

Just drowning into the deep dark ocean

Drowning to a lifeless soul 

Drowning in pain

Drowning over and over again.

It hurt her but she had to 

Drown in her own scintillating light.

In her own sparkle that dulled

Drowning it is

Drowning again 

Just drowning deeper 

Deep into the unknown sea.

Tithi Joshi

Waterloo '22

She is a student at the University of Waterloo in Health Studies. With a passion for medicine, but has a love for writing.