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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Waterloo chapter.

 Burning in agony

He and she called out

Their identity in the shadows

A calling to equalize

A calling to balance

The pain

The suffering

As we spoke in the abyss

We want freedom

We want a blatant calling

In a burst of art

They screamed

In a burst of tears

She cried aloud

We want it to be our world

Not the angst of people

But the subtle balance of gender

A subtle balance of sex

Blood red eyes piercing souls

Asking for justice

Asking for acceptance

A smile to suffice the reality

We live in a world of imbalance

Yet we want a balance

Even if we don’t change ourselves

The end of a dark tunnel

A scintillating light of hope

We want pleasure

We want care for our unborn

For motherhood, we must speak

Yet we stand silent

In a dark alley

We scream to appease others

We want a guiding light

Sexuality shrieks in silence

I want to be known

Glorifying the term

Yet we turn a blind eye

Our blindness will punish us

But we must brace for consequences

I want a balance

In this imbalanced world

I want my voice to be loud

I want to scream

Give me freedom

Give me identity

Give me equality

Give me rights

Give me my life

Give me choice

I burn in agony, but no more

I shall not burn anymore

As they screamed for balance,

They earned balance,

But a long way to go.

Tithi Joshi

Waterloo '22

She is a student at the University of Waterloo in Health Studies. With a passion for medicine, but has a love for writing.