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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Washington chapter.

Here at UW, we are in the midst of midterm season. Everyone is busy and stressed. In times like this, it is especially important to take a step back and check in with ourselves. It’s too easy to get caught up in the craziness of studying and schoolwork and not take care of ourselves. Focusing too much on school can be a bad thing. While many of us value our grades, our obsessive study habits can cause us to burnout. As we continue through midterm season, UW students should focus on finding a balance between school and everything else in our lives. 

Everyone is in college to learn, but sometimes we forget to prioritize our health, especially our mental health. Staying healthy, physically and mentally, is significantly more important than any grade. Yes, it sucks to not do as well as you hoped on a midterm, but it is important to remember that it is just one grade. There is still time to change study habits and improve your mental health at the same time. There are so many small things that can be incorporated into a daily routine to improve mental health. 

Taking a short amount of time to take a break and destress will make you feel so much better, as well as help increase productivity when you continue working after. Activities to unwind look different for everyone. Some people like to completely unplug from their work and relax. Maybe that’s meditating, journaling, or just taking a nap. Doing an activity you like is also a great way to take a break. This could be playing a sport or doing another form of exercise. Some people may take a more creative approach and want to play music, read, write, draw, or paint. It’s also so important to talk to someone when you feel stressed or negatively impacted by your mental health. Sometimes talking to someone can make you feel better. If not, now someone can check in on you or get you help, if needed. It is so important to take breaks from homework, even if just for a few minutes, for the sake of our mental health. 

Activities to destress can help us feel happier and be more productive in our busy days. Please, take a few minutes to evaluate where you’re at and how your mental health can be improved. Make a plan to take time for yourself and continue to perfect your balanced study routine. 

Nicole Green

Washington '25

Nicole Green is a junior at the University of Washington studying Public Health - Global Health with the goal of attending medical school in the future. She balances her academics with time for herself by cooking, baking, hiking, traveling, playing volleyball at the IMA, and spending time with friends and family. Outside of school, Nicole has been a member of Her Campus since her freshman year, and this is her second year as Contributing Editor. She also works for a research study on campus, is involved in Dance Marathon, volunteers at Seattle Children’s Hospital, and is involved in the Greek Community. Check out her articles to see how she balances all of her involvements and why she has loved her time at UW so far!