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A Mid-Semester Pep Talk

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at VCU chapter.

Welcome to the worst part of the semester. Your rations are running low, you’ve run out of nice clothes to wear to class and the motivation to do so, you’re spending the majority of the hours of your day in the library and sleep has become a luxury instead of a necessity.

This is the easiest point in the semester to begin to give up and lose any hope of making it to December. What you need most right now is an Herb Brooks from “Miracle” or Coach Taylor from “Friday Night Lights” pep talk. 

You’ve worked hard from August until now and don’t let the accomplishments you’ve made within those months go unnoticed. You know that you’re capable of kicking butt so don’t stop now. That paper you wrote through blood, sweat and tears that you ended up getting an A on is proof that your work pays off.

There have also been some bumps along the road. That test you spent a full week studying for just to receive a D was a trying time in the semester, but you got through it and know what you have to do to improve your score on the next one.

Every semester comes with its own trials and tribulations, and your ability to work through those challenges is what strengthens you as a student and as a person. The difficulties you’re facing now will prepare you for what’s to come as long as you can endure them. 

Remember your end goals and remind yourself of what you can do to accomplish them. There’s a reason you chose the path that you did and it’s your job now to stay on track in order to get the most out of your journey here in college.

Don’t forget to take care of yourself. Your mental and physical health are more important than your GPA so take some time to revive yourself. Take a Netflix break, take a nap, call your parents, meditate or work out. 

You’ve made it this far with some victories and some hardships, but now is not the time to stop. Take the lessons you learned from the first half of the semester and apply them to the remainder of this semester. December will be here before we know it so make these last weeks count. 

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Katie is a freshman at VCU studying mass communications with a concentration in journalism. She loves attending concerts, James Franco's instagram selfies, quoting Will Ferrell movies, and her two dogs Laila and Frazier. You can follow her on twitter and instagram @katiebashista. 
Keziah is a writer for Her Campus. She is majoring in Fashion Design with a minor in Fashion Merchandising. HCXO!