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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at VCU chapter.

Personal boundaries are something we all have. It is important we share these boundaries with others so we can avoid our boundaries being crossed and relationships being broken. Our personal boundaries allow us to feel more comfortable in our spaces and bodies and let others know how we would like to be treated. Boundaries also make us feel validated in our emotions when they are respected. Naming your limits and being in tune with your feelings is vital when communicating what you are comfortable with. Boundaries are able to change, as well. As people, we are constantly changing based on life experiences, so it makes sense that these boundaries would change with that. 

Right now, we are living in very uncertain times. Some of us are having to move back in with our parents because of the pandemic. When I moved back home, it was a lot to take in. I had to talk to my family about having personal space and not barging into my room whenever they want. For the most part, they listened to me and understood that this is what I needed for this semester and these trying times. I also had to learn their boundaries and how we could make sure that everyone’s boundaries were respected. This is something that we will all have to work on continually with each other, but open communication is key to ensuring all of our boundaries are respected, and we each feel loved and safe.

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It is also important to establish clear boundaries with your roommates, something that everyone should be doing, especially now. Maybe your roommate is inviting people over during this pandemic, and you are not comfortable with it. You should be able to voice that concern, and they should be reasonable about your apprehensions of having company during the pandemic. As individuals, we have our own opinions, and of course, not everyone is going to agree, but recognizing each other’s boundaries is crucial to living together. It may be difficult, but having that conversation is definitely worth having. 

Setting boundaries with yourself is not exempt from this list. Having boundaries is a form of self-love and a way of taking care of you. Setting boundaries with yourself can be something as simple as stepping back from work when you are overwhelmed. If the political climate we are currently in is too much, stepping back and not becoming enthralled with politics is perfectly okay. You do not have to be watching the news or scrolling through twitter every day. Check-in with yourself and see what you are comfortable with. 

When considering what boundaries you wish to have set for yourself, it is important to sit down and examine how you want to be treated and what is important to you and discuss that with others. If someone is unwilling to respect your boundaries, it can cause an internal struggle within yourself. You can feel invalidated, and your mental health can decline. Having these boundaries is key in maintaining healthy relationships, no matter who they are with. It is also just as important to respect said boundaries. 

You can find more information on personal boundaries here.

Jaimison James is a writer for HerCampus at VCU. She is a current Junior majoring in Psychology with a concentration in Life Sciences and a minor in Biology.
Mary McLean (née Moody) is an avid writer and is the former Editor in Chief of Her Campus at VCU. She wrote diligently for Her Campus at VCU for two years and was the Editor in Chief for three years. You can find her work here! She double majored in Political Science and History at Virginia Commonwealth University and graduated in 2022. She loves her son, Peter, and her cat Sully. You can find her looking at memes all night and chugging Monster in the morning with her husband!