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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.
Are you having trouble getting some sleep? Is it hard for you to fall asleep and stay asleep? While in college, students have a lot to do from the multiple exams and assignments to the multiple organizations and meetings. College can be so stressful and time consuming at times that good quality sleep is hard to obtain.  Sleeping gives your body and mind the opportunity to rest. Without sleep your brain can’t restart itself to take on all of the new information the next day. Here are some helpful hints, tips, and tricks that will make falling asleep a lot easier.
1. Immerse Your Face in Cold Water When I first saw this tip I thought that splashing the face with cold water would wake up someone, but immersing your face can do the complete opposite. Some studies show that immersing your face in cold water for 30 seconds can lower your heart rate and blood pressure to get you ready for deep sleep.
2. Take Deep Breaths; Deep breaths can help a lot with getting to sleep. Taking full deep breathes in through the nose and out from the mouth is known for relaxing the body and helping it wind down for sleep.
3. Cool down your room A cool/ cold environment is way easier to sleep in than a warm/ hot one. A colder room helps regulate body temperature.  Studies show that a person with a cooler body temperature sleeps better then a person with a warmer body temperature. Body temperature affects the bodies’ biological clock.
4.  Listen to soft music or sounds Soft instrumental music like jazz or earthly sounds like a waterfall help regulate sleep. These songs and sounds will act as a lullaby. 
Happy Sleeping. HCXO!
Her Campus at Valdosta State.