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Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Post “Bae” On Social Media

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.

You and the bae have been dating for a while and he’s nothing short of perfect. Other than the occasional petty arguments and silent treatments here and there, you guys are getting along great. You’re thinking about taking this to the next step and posting him on social media.

You’re happy but you’re nervous. You’re scared. In the past, right when you decided to claim a guy and post him on your Instagram, was the exact moment that they decided to do some wild shit like say, “you not even my girl.”  

So this time, you want to make sure you’re making the right choice with this one; you don’t feel like having to go remove all of the cute couple pictures the very next week.

I went through the same worries when trying to figure out rather or not to post my boyfriend on social media, and here are some of the questions I asked myself to make sure it was the right choice:

1. Are you guys OFFICIALLY official?

This is the most important question on the list. Are you guys officially official? Like do you guys have a bond AND a title? I would never advise posting any guy on social media who is not your actual boyfriend; I feel like that’s a set up for disappointment. I assume that any guy who is not technically your man doesn’t really owe you anything and could easily be out here doing his thing. You don’t want to post him and risk someone coming to you woman to woman in the DMs.

2. Does he happily take pictures with you?

When you lift up your phone to snap a photo does he duck out of the picture or does he look up and smile for the picture? Think about that —if he isn’t excited to take a photo with you, he probably won’t be too ecstatic about you posting pictures with him on social media either. He also might have a girlfriend sis.

3. Do you guys openly interact on social media?

When you mention him on Twitter does he respond back? Or ignore you? Does he RT your tweets, shout you out on your birthday, anything? If the answer is no; I would advise you not to post him. If the answer is yes, things are looking good girl.

4. Are there any trust issues?

Take a moment and ask yourself if you trust this guy. I mean, really trust him. If you have any doubts about who he’s texting or what he does on the weekends that he’s not with you, I think you should listen to your gut and at least wait until those fears are over before you decide to start showing him off online.

5. Do you REALLY want to?

This is a pretty simple question, and at first, you may think to yourself “Yes! I want to!” But do you want to? OR is it the pressures of seeing everyone else posting their boo-thangs making you want to join the movement? If you take the time to ask yourself, you may realize that you actually don’t want to post this guy. You like him a lot, but you would actually prefer to wait. Don’t let social media trick you into doing something you’ll later regret.

Markesia Barron is a senior at Valdosta State University. She majors in Middle Grades Education concentrated in Language Arts and Reading. After graduation, she plans to become a middle school Language Arts teacher in the Metro Atlanta area. Markesia enjoys writing, reading, super-hero movies, and meditating outside. She's a big Beyonce fan and self-care enthusiast.