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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.

One of the most important keys to success is self-confidence. Overcoming your biggest enemy, which is yourself, can be one of the most difficult obstacles you’ll have overcome. The secret to this, self-confidence, isn’t a secret it just requires you to commit to self love and self compassion. Commit to giving yourself the same love you give to others. Commit to stop critiquing yourself all of the time. Although that negative chatter inside of your head may not seem to mean anything, it will eventually get in the way of your confidence. Start by making yourself promises just like advise that you would give a friend.  



Accept your imperfections  


Everyone has imperfections. Everyone, including the flawless celebrities you see on television, they have flaws as well. Spending so much time exhausting your imperfections eventually gets to your confidence. Learning to accept that you have imperfections just like you have many strengths can create more positivity   


Always do your best  

Sometimes, we want to be apart of everything and when this happens we create an overload impossible to handle. Setting goals that are more possible to handle can give yourself a real chance of achieving them. When we promise to always do our best than regardless of the outcome, we will feel good because we know that no matter what, we gave it our best.  


Never settle  

The reason why you should never settle is you because you’re more than capable of better. When it comes to anything whether its relationships, education, friendships or career you can always do and get better if you input the work necessary for the outcome.  


Don’t compare yourself 

The worst thing you can do to yourself is to compare yourself to anybody.  Comparing yourself to others will leave you feeling as if you’re not good enough. Even if you feel better than them in anyway, this leads to only short term confidence boost. The truth is that everyone is at different stages in our lives therefore comparing yourself to anyone doesn’t make sense. Be patience with yourself and allow yourself to grow and bloom as a person.  


Stop making excuses  


Stop making excuse for why you can’t and take full responsibilityRegardless of anything, no one is living the perfect life. Some people are doing better than others, that’s just how life is. If you feel like you could be doing better than examine what you’re allowing to come in between and the reasons why.  


Remember to no matter what, always love yourself. Love yourself for your flaws and your strengths, accept your failures and praise your success. Stay true to these promises and everything else will fall into place.  








Her Campus at Valdosta State.