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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWindsor chapter.

Being a student who is determined to successfully balance school, clubs, work, and a social life can be extremely challenging. Some days it feels as though the stress is far too much. Luckily, I have developed tips and tricks, through my many years of experience, that have helped me deal with it.


  • Facemasks and Bubble Baths: When I am most stressed, I find the best solution is a night of pampering. Spending a couple hours in the bath with a facemask and a good book is the best cure to even the most stressful week. I recommend a generous amount of bubble bath and lighting a candle!


Image Source: https://www.brides.com/story/best-wedding-day-face-masks-editors-picks


  • Shoulder Heating Pads: One of the greatest investments I have ever made was purchasing a shoulder, neck, and back heating pad. Available on Amazon, this heating pad is incredibly useful for those late nights spent working on last minute assignments. Carrying a backpack around campus causes incredible pain in my shoulders, too. I really find that no matter how stressed or tense I feel, using a shoulder heating pad instantly gives me release.


Available on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Sunbeam-Extra-Large-Micromink-Shoulder-Settings/d…

  • Manicures and Pedicures: A little bit of pampering really goes a long way! A fresh set always makes me feel like my life is more put together than it really is. Self-care is essential, especially when you’re at your most stressed. Next time you feel like you can’t get through the day, take a few hours to get a manicure and pedicure, or do it yourself! A little time focusing on your own well-being truly goes a long way.


Image Source: http://www.hiphongkong.city/pamper/spas_beauty/nails_manicure_pedicure/c…

  • A Night out With Friends:  My favourite memories are made when I’m with my friends. Spending the night dancing alongside my closest friends is the best stress release I’ve found. I seem to forget all of my worries when I’m out enjoying my life instead of stressing about everything I have yet to do. If spending a night dancing is not your thing, take some time out of your busy day to get out of the house. Whether it’s seeing a movie, going out for dinner, or going for a walk around the block, getting some air really helps.


Image Source: https://www.elitedaily.com/life/coupled-vs-single-friends/1240932

  • Keep a Planner: Typically, I become most stressed when I realize that I have left everything  to the last minute. Keeping a planner is essential to avoiding all that unnecessary stress that comes with being unorganized. Bookstores also carry the cutest planners; it makes organization fun!


Source: https://notebooktherapy.com/collections/planners

  • Take Up a Hobby: Doing something you truly enjoy is a great stress reliever. Whether it’s a sport like soccer or golf, or a more traditional hobby such as knitting or drawing, there are so many options for everyone!


Image Source: https://pixabay.com/images/search/knitting/

This is an anonymous account hosted by our team mascot, Morty the Monkey. This article was written by a UWindsor student.