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So Where Did You Two Meet?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWindsor chapter.

Today, more and more people are meeting on an app called Tinder. You’ve probably used Tinder, you’ve definitely heard of Tinder, but have you met anyone using Tinder?

Tinder is notorious for its “hookup app” reputation. Or in some cases it can lead to very serious and scary situations. However, today we’re talking about the relationships that actually started from Tinder. The app, infamous for being able to swipe left or right (dislike or like) based on a handful of photos and a brief bio, is believed to enforce or feed to our “hookup culture” generation. While this is true, how different can meeting online be to meeting in a bar?

Both scenarios, the bar and online, have their pros and cons. While meeting online can be dangerous because people can lie or “catfish” (Lie… on the Internet? People do that?), meeting in a bar can also be under false pretences (and under the influence). However, people argue that meeting online helps you to actually connect with the person you’re talking to before you meet. Already knowing their likes and dislikes allows conversation to flow more naturally.

Do you use Tinder for hook-ups, or to look for a relationship?

One person I talked to bluntly admitted to not enjoying using the app, while another said, “For the most part I like it. It gets creepy sometimes cause guys can be creepy, but I just use it for hookups and to get free dinner.” The first person also agreed to only using it for hook-ups. However, both believe that love can be found through Tinder.

“I think love can be found even in the most unlikely of circumstances. However, I don’t think it would be logical to go into Tinder hoping/expecting such a thing to happen. Open-mindedness is key.”

One person I spoke with admitted that one of her best friends met her boyfriend of 2 years on Tinder. However, you’ll find a prince only after kissing a lot of frogs, maybe even literally.

“I actually think I used tinder for about just over a year before I found my SO! He definitely wasn’t one of the first meet ups either. I unfortunately had to meet a lot of fuckbois before I found him!” Said of a seven-month relationship.

If you’re looking for a relationship on Tinder, I must say you are wasting your time. While it’s possible to meet someone great, sometimes it’s very unlikely. Usually Tinder leads to friends-with-benefits situations. And Tinder dates are usually very awkward. However, sometimes things work out for the best, and people just click.

Do you regret meeting your boyfriend on Tinder?

“I feel good about meeting him on Tinder. I wasn’t looking for a relationship or anything and we knew each other from previous encounters because of his friends, and started talking more on Tinder.” Said of an 18-month relationship.

So you’ve found your prince through a dating app. Why does that feel so awkward, almost taboo? Like people haven’t gotten married from MySpace? I think the negative social mores put towards meeting on Tinder is the fact that a lot of Tinder meetups happen under the cover of nightfall. However, you never know how you’ll find your one, so you can at least take a chance, right?

“I don’t really feel any specific way about meeting my SO on Tinder. There were both positives and negatives that come with it. For example, people often have negative associations with it because it was over an app, it’s new, and unheard of. It’s definitely never fun to argue otherwise!  However, I find it gives my SO and I more freedom because there aren’t any social expectations. Both of those reasons are based on others opinions, though. So overall, I guess I’m pretty content about it!”

At the end of the day, it’s still your relationship. It doesn’t matter how you met, all that matters is that you met and now have the chance to be together. Sometimes, Tinder helps to cross the path of those that may not have had the chance to meet otherwise. So Tinderella, your prince may be out there yet. But keep in mind, Tinder is not recommended for the hopeless romantic.

Would you recommend Tinder?

Every single person I had asked said they would not recommend Tinder to someone looking for a relationship.

“If you are looking for a relationship, no. Like it can happen, but chances are it won’t. If you just want to get laid (or free dinners) it’s great!”

So going onto Tinder may not be your alternative to Plenty of Fish per say, but it does have potential. And if you had the chance of meeting your boyfriend or girlfriend through Tinder, then who cares. Be proud of your relationship; all that matters is that it’s strong, happy, and healthy. Don’t go in looking for love, but don’t run if you find it.

Bryanna Millben

Laurier Brantford '20

Hi! I'm a fourth-year at Wilfrid Laurier University working towards a BA in English with a minor in History, and the Campus Correspondent/President for HC Laurier Brantford. I have a super sweet golden retriever named Marley, and aspire to work in Public Relations.