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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWindsor chapter.

In a relationship you should always be on guard  for the following signs, which indicate that you deserve much much better: 

1)    If the person is constantly making you feel like your problems aren’t valid. Your problems should be taken into consideration, and the person should make every effort to acknowledge that they’re important. You shouldn’t have to apologize for having a bad day, so if you find yourself doing that a) what are you doing, b) what are you apologizing for,  c) don’t apologize. You’re allowed to have bad days. You should feel sorry that they’re a horrible person for making you feel miserable and like your problems aren’t valid.  

2)    If their reply to a serious text is either sarcasm, petty remarks, or silly monosyllabic responses. When you’re discussing important matters that either concern the relationship, the future, or something that’s not a joking-matter, and they try to change the topic or brush it off, understand that they’re immature. They do not care. It’s a ploy to waste your time.  They aren’t ready for a healthy relationship. They should not be sitting at the adult’s table.    

3)    If you’re the one constantly sacrificing. They will never accept that they might be the problematic element in the relationship. You will constantly be the one working for it, while they sit, and observe you throw away your life for them. They will mock you for it, and there will be 0 element of support. They can never be wrong and it will always be you at fault for pursuing the relationship, in their eyes. If you’re constantly hearing the phrases “well I didn’t ask you to do that” or “you’re so obsessed,” please just block them. They aren’t going to stick around .  

4)    If you’re still guessing if they love you or not. Should you even be guessing? If someone loves you, you will not always be guessing. Sure, we all have different ways of expressing love, however, if you constantly need reassurance and they’re brushing off your feelings then (I mean how much more obvious can it be?) there’s no affection. It isn’t mutual. They just don’t know how to tell you that they’re wasting your time and that they don’t feel the same way.  Take the hint and find yourself someone who isn’t afraid to double-text you to ask if you’re really okay, or if you ate. Those are indirect ways of saying that they love you and care. In your present relationship you’re the one initiating conversation, and the person who claims to love you barely ask you how you’re doing – please exit.   

5)    If you’re always being replaced. If they choose other people over you – then, you make 0 difference, to them or their life. It’s also one-sided. You feel a certain way that they do not feel. It’s not a mutual thing. They can clearly live without you, and it’s time you start doing the same. You should never be someone’s second choice. If you’re genuine, committed, and tell them how you really feel, abandoning you shouldn’t feel easy. However, if you’re constantly being replaced, and they can boast (yup, you read that correctly) about it – clearly there are serious issues at hand.    

If you find yourself constantly experiencing one or more of the above signs, please leave. Don’t even leave a note. You shouldn’t be the one constantly hurting, or the one putting in all the effort, it has to be a two-sided thing. Let them live their life with the people they replaced you with, blame you for everything, and then realize that they messed up two months down the road. If you tried and had genuine intentions karma will not mess you up. They ain’t changing. Block them from your life , wear that red lipstick, and eat a ton of Godiva. Love yourself.

This is an anonymous account hosted by our team mascot, Morty the Monkey. This article was written by a UWindsor student.