For those who don’t know, moods in combination with our personalities and attitudes give off a specific energy to others, and the energy they give back to us in turn changes our energy. The energy we choose to create/let into our lives can allow us to be more empowered, confident, strong, kind ,etc. An energy I often hear talked about in terms of self-care is “Divine Feminine Energy.”
“Divine Feminine Energy” is a weird concept to me now. This past semester, I’ve been taking a course at the University called Critical Approaches to Media Culture (CMAF 3750). From this course, I’ve learned two overarching foundational concepts that I feel like I knew before, but now I can’t stop thinking about them. These concepts come from theorist Ferdinand de Saussure, who explains that Language is completely arbitrary and that it is solely made up of differences. What this means is that we call certain things specific words because they aren’t something else, and because there is no other reason for the naming of such things ; this makes all of the language completely arbitrary. Theorist Derrida continued this idea by explaining that the way we use language continues to change overtime and that language is simply a signification for something that may be absent. Feminine energy is about achieving certain qualities such as being intuitive, compassionate, wise, forgiving, reflective, gentle, sensual, creative, etc, etc, etc. Therefore, I want to provide some things that I do to cultivate my own “divine empowerment energy” (as that’s what I’m now going to call it).
- Set Boundaries
I find that setting boundaries was hard for me for a while. I am very much the type of person to say yes to everything, and I used to be the type to get a lot of FOMO when I wasn’t invited to things. But over the past year(ish), I’ve been realizing certain signs appear in my life, and I need to read them more closely. The universe (or whoever you feel is guiding you) gives you a lot of signs at face value, from fights being signs to end friendships or the emotions that come by when doing something you begrudgingly said yes to doing, to even just the feeling when someone/something passes by you that just radiates energy you don’t want to attract. Therefore, I’ve slowly started to learn to realize these signs and feelings and set boundaries. If I feel in my gut I don’t want to do something, I don’t do it. If I would rather stay in than go out, I will; if someone in my life radiates negative energy, I won’t talk to them as much. The more I train myself to do this, I find that I get less FOMO; I become more content being independent, and it improves my overall “divine empowerment energy.”
- Pampering my Body
Caring for yourself physically will influence how you feel mentally. Therefore, I find that when I take time to pamper myself, it boosts my inner energy! There are many different ways to do this. Personally, I primarily focus on skincare and body care. This can be anything from taking the time to moisturize your whole body, doing a face mask, painting your nails, etc. I also started dry brushing a few weeks ago, and it’s really boosted my mood. Not only do the activities boost my mood, but the products I put on boost my mood too! I love using products that don’t have a lot of chemicals and products that do something good for the world (good for the environment, cruelty free, small business, etc.). As well, if I want to take a step further, I also invest in my body care, such as getting a quarterly haircut by a stylist who specializes in my hair type or taking a day at the spa. By doing all of these, I feel more confident, calm, and happy, which therefore makes me have more positive energy!
- LEVELING up my Mindset
Going along with your physical self, your mental self is just as important. There are many different things I do to adjust my mindset. First, I journal, which I discussed in a previous article. Journaling (both digitally and physically) allows me to lay out everything I’m feeling and fill myself with more positive thoughts. I also listen to a variety of wellness podcasts such as Busy Blooming, Hot Girl Energy, Healthy but Human, and Not Your Typical, and these all help give me tips and pointers to improve my wellness journey. Reading is also a good way to boost your mindset. While I’m not a huge reader, there are a variety of different wellness books out there to help you improve yourself both physically and mentally.
- Taking Time for Myself
ROUTINES ARE MY BEST FRIEND!!! On the days when I’m not as busy, I take an hour or two for myself either in the morning or at night to do all the things I discussed. For example, my morning routines typically consist of journaling, planning my day, having breakfast, and doing my morning skincare, all while listening to a podcast. At night, I’ll typically shower, do nightly skincare, and either journal, read, or watch a video to improve my mindset (if I’m motivated enough at night). After doing either of these routines I always have a calm and rejuvenated energy, and it gets me ready for the day ahead. As well, taking time for myself can include doing things alone, such as going out to eat or going shopping by myself. There’s something about it that always makes me feel more independent, and it’s often my favorite thing to do.
So, to conclude, I think everyone has a “Divine Feminine Energy” or some kind of energy they want to radiate. To get this energy, we must simply find things to do to improve our bodies and mindsets. Good luck searching!