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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWindsor chapter.



1: Love Thy Neighbour

When you start to live with someone, your relationship with that person becomes more than just a “friendship”. You learn things about them that you wouldn’t normally know. Care for them and don’t judge, even if you catch them eating peanut butter out of the jar or talking to themselves.


2: R-E-S-P-E-C-T

Just because you move in with them does not mean that your stuff becomes their stuff. This isn’t a marriage, folks. Of course, you should decide who is bringing the communal things like a couch, cutlery and living room decorations. But my room is off limits! If you ask me to borrow something, I’m usually more than happy to help you out. But don’t take because I’ll know. And then s*** will get REAL awkward.


3: Surprise Decisions

If you’re going to do something regarding the apartment that will affect us both, please ask me. Surprises are only fun when they’re birthday gifts or when you’ve won the lottery. Even if the place is pet-friendly, it doesn’t mean that I am. Telling me you bought a dog and then asking for forgiveness is not cool. I matter too.


4: That Cash Tho

Make payments on time. I love you (probably), but I can’t pay for everything. You’re running short for the week and need some food? Sure! Come eat some of my delicious homemade pasta. But I am not your sugar daddy. If you committed to living here, then you have a responsibility to be prepared. Also, budget for extra expenses. Just in case something bad happens, you know, like breaking light fixtures or putting holes in the wall.


5: Keep it Between Friends

We’re adults now. Don’t involve other people in our drama. Let’s sit down, have a glass of wine, and talk about it! We don’t need the extra opinions. I’m sure we can come to a compromise on our own without the peanut gallery.


6: Stay Clean

I do not want to find fish chunks in the sink when I go to rinse my vegetables or drain some pasta. Keep the space that we share clean. I will forgive you if once in awhile you make a mistake, but if it becomes a regular thing, then we’ve got a problem. As well, if you want to keep your room looking messy, be my guest! But I better not come visit you in your room someday and find 3 week old chicken parmesan sitting on the floor.


7: Special Mention – Don’t be a Stranger!

I moved in with you for a reason. I didn’t come here to be alone! Maybe come out of your room to socialize sometimes. I promise I don’t bite.