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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWG chapter.

Saying goodbye to 2018 has been a much needed step in our lives. 2018 was filled with headaches, heartbreak and many different lessons. However, throughout the struggles, we still had each other and a whole other year for opportunities. 2019 will be a new year that is filled with many opportunities to grow and succeed in our respective fields, in love and in life. In 2019, it is all about creating 19 opportunities that will be beneficial towards us and what we wish to accomplish in life.

1. Expand your horizons. 2019 is all about creating new opportunities. Study Abroad programs can be a great opportunity!  Studying in other countries can help a person gain insight and experience the different cultures out there. It is also an excellent way to add more to your resume.

Photo by Sophie Keen on Unsplash

2. Create a bucket list of things you want to do but have never gotten around to. You’ll thank yourself later for being able to try new things. Take some risks!

3. #LetItGo. If things are taking too much energy, LET IT GO!  Life throws so many curves at you, but it is all how you react. Sometimes the people in your life or situations can make your day seem bad. Don’t let yourself feel that way. Always walk with your chin up and do you. Live and let live!

4. Don’t be too quick to judge others or jump into any conclusions about anyone. People are not defined by what they say but by what they do. Actions carry more value than words. If someone has done something to hurt you, don’t judge. Ask questions and the answers will be in front of you.

Photo by DESIGNECOLOGIST on Unsplash

5. Don’t take life for granted. God gave you an abundant life. Don’t waste it. Take what you can from it before it takes your last breath.

6. Challenge yourself to overcome situations or try out a new hobby. You might be surprised at what you find you’re good at. It’ll also make your life more meaningful and interesting.

7. Never give up. This is something that people struggle with everyday. When life knocks us down, sometimes we feel like not getting back up. Get up and don’t give up. Ulysses S. Grant said, “No man ought to win a victory who is not willing to run the risk of defeat.” A lot of times, you have to make mistakes and get defeated in order to succeed in life.

8. Leave your past in the past. It’s always nice to feel nostalgic over something but don’t let it keep you up at night. It is definitely a good place to visit and it makes you contemplate on a lot of things but it is not a great place to stay.

9. Be more honest. We expect people to be honest to us so let’s try to be more honest to others. Honesty is a very valuable thing. It is a rare gift.

10. Take some time out of your day to disconnect from technology and the world. Social media is very toxic these days and you may find yourself binge-watching shows on Netflix. Instead of doing that, why not go for a walk in the park or go on trail rides with your friends? If you like reading, why not stop at your local library and get a nice book? You can flop on your couch and read with a glass of wine or a cup of coffee or tea.

Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

11. Be healthy! Being healthy does not mean going forth and changing your whole entire diet in a day. Take some time planning out your next healthy moves. This will guide you as you start that journey.

12. Give back to your community. You never know how service will impact you. Service is the greatest thing to humble yourself. It makes you realize that life should be cherished.

13. #TreatYoSelf! The best medicine is making to take care of yourself. However you treat yourself, go forth and do it! PERIOD!!

14. Budgeting 101 is what we need to do in this day and age. Make sure you take care of your finances. Don’t go broke because you didn’t figure out your money first.

15. Learn more about your personality! There are many personality test out there that can help you learn more about yourself. Take that time for self discovery and we promise you will feel better about yourself.

16. Plan for the future! We put many things on the back burner that we forget to take time out to plan. Plan for your future and what you wish to accomplish. Make a short term and long term list. I promise you will see those goal through with a little initiative.

17. Don’t wait on other people to start. Sometimes, people may have the same vision, but less of a drive. Make sure not to wait too long for people to come through for you because you may just miss an opportunity.

Photo by Kyle Cottrell on Unsplash

18. Changing the narrative of your perspective. It is always great to keep a fresh perspective and try or learn something new. Don’t get stuck in the same box as 2018 because that feels comfortable. Change the narrative!

19. Be grateful for everyday that you have on this Earth. Every day, every hour, every minute say something that you are grateful and really mean it. Life can be so short, but as long as we live life to its fullest potential, things will seem a lot less meaningless.

Whether or not you take one of these opportunities, make 2019 the year for you. Make 19 opportunities to look forward or make a 1,000. It is all up to you and what you would like to do. We hope 2019 treats you well!

Victoria is a senior at the University of West Georgia. She is an English major with a minor in Mass Communications. She loves fashion, coffee, reading, writing and all things related to motorcycles.
I am senior Mass Communications Major, who has a passion to change the world one woman at a time. I grew up in a diverse family that has allowed me to be very open-minded when approaching situations. I love anything chocolate without nuts. Furthermore, my fav snack are cookie dough bites. I am pretty much an open book when it comes to conversation. If you ever get a chance to talk to me I'd probably talk your ear off.